Chapter 9: A fun and troubling day at royal woods mall

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Wednesday was another day off for the loud family. The scene cuts to lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, lisa, and lincoln heading in vanzilla, getting ready to go to the mall.

Lori: everyone ready?

The five loud sisters and brother nodded their heads.

Lori: well then buckle up guys, the mall literally awaits.

The five loud sisters and brother did what they were told as lori drove vanzilla away from the loud house and went downtown. After a long drive, they made it to royal woods mall. Finding a parking spot for vanzilla, lori, luna, lynn, lincoln, lucy, lana, and lisa exited the van and walked inside the mall.

Lori: alright everyone do you all have your allowance.

The five loud sisters and brother pulled out their wallets full of cash.

Lori: (smiles) good now let's all have a good time.

Lincoln: (smiles) comic store here I come.

Before the five loud sisters and brother could scatter to multiple stores, lori stops them.

Lori: hold it! Before you guys run off, we're gonna separate in a group of two. Since I'm the oldest and luna is the third oldest, we will be in charge of the groups. I'll take lynn, lucy, and lisa while luna takes lincoln and lana. We'll meet up at the clothing store at 4:00 so luna don't let lincoln and lana out of your sight.

Luna: (smiles) don't worry sis, I got this.

Lori: okay then let the shopping begin!

The six loud siblings cheered in agreement as the group separated into two, lori leaving with lynn, lucy, and lisa in one direction and luna leaving with lincoln and lana in the other direction. However, none of them were aware that they were being watched by someone not too far through the crowd of people walking around the mall. The mystery figure's silhouette showed it was female, she had on a long black trench coat and had on a large black fedora that kept her face hidden. She stared at the directions the seven loud siblings separated before disappearing right into the crowd.

Narrator: with lincoln, lana, and luna.

At the music store, lincoln and lana were browsing the guitar aisles, looking at the different types and designs of guitar while luna was getting a discount on a new mick swagger album and some new design guitar picks she was purchasing.

Lana: hey lincoln check out this guitar. (Shows lincoln a dark blue electric guitar with a shattering lightning design on it.)

Lincoln: that looks awesome. But check this one out. (Shows lana a black base guitar with purple flames and epic black writing in the flames that says, "rock-4-life!!!!")

Lana: cool! You should buy that for luna, she'll love it.

Lincoln: (smiles) you're right. I should buy it for her, the price is about fo forty five dollars and it'll cut my comic book money in half but hey I wanna do something nice for her.

Luna: hey dudes!

Lincoln and lana turn around to see luna walking towards them, carrying six bags in both hands full of new guitars, guitars picks, new deluxe headphones, and new mick swagger album cds.

Luna: I got my stuff let's get going.

Lincoln: hold on luna, I wanted to buy this for you. (Shows luna the guitar)

Luna eyes widen as she begins to smile widely, eyeing the guitar her lil bro pick out for her. She doesn't even have this design in her collection of guitars.

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