Chapter 6: Training

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At the abandoned warehouse, the seven loud siblings was sparring with one another to test their symbiote's abilities. Lori was sparring with lynn. As lynn lunged at lori, she delivered a display of punches and kicks to lori, who was dodging them and countered lynn with a low sweep kick, tripping the althetic sister. Lori then formed a giant fist and was about to hit lynn but lynn got out of the way before it could smash her. Lori didn't stop there as light blue tendrils grew out of her back and formed into giant fists. Lori aimed the tendril fists straight at lynn, who use her symbiote's high speed and agility to dodge them. Lori's tendril fists kept coming at lynn, trying to hit their target but kept missing lynn only hitting the walls and the old machines. While dodging lori's attacks, lynn decided to charge straight at lori, readying her right hand into a fist while forming three red spikes out her knuckles. As lynn got closer to lori and dodging the tendril fists, lynn aims her right spiked fist and slams it into lori's face, sending the first oldest flying but not far enough as lori landed on her feet a few feet away from lynn. Lynn looked at her right spiked hand in excitement, if you could see the expression under lynn's mask, she was beyond happy with the strength her symbiote gave her. She was strong, fast, and athletic on her own but this felt incredible to her. Taking her eyes off her hand and back to lori whose slightly jagged white eyes was narrowing, meaning she was glaring at the sports sister. If you could see the expression under lori's mask, she was deeply angry because of the punch lynn delivered.

Lori: (spoke in a menacing distorted voice) okay lynn... you wanna play? (Lori's hands formed into two solid and sharp light blue blades) LET'S PLAY!!!

Lynn smirked under her mask as she got into her kickboxing stance while readying her red spiked fists.

Lynn: well what are you waiting for? Come at me!

The first and fifth oldest clash.

Narrator: with lucy, lana, and lisa.

While lori and lynn go at it, the scene cuts to lucy sparring with lana and lisa. Lana was stretching out her hands to grab lucy who was swiftly avoiding the her younger sister's reach. Lucy was moving very swiftly like a black blur being barely seen as she begins to disappear completely, causing lana to stop attacking and look around for the goth. She looked all around for lucy but still couldn't find her.

Lana: (annoyed) c'mon luce, this is a sparring match not hide and seek, come on out!

Lucy: (appears out nowhere behind lana, scaring her) BOOOOO......!

Lana: (screams) AAAAAHHHH!!!!!

Lucy then palm striked lana in the back, making the tomboy twin fall hard to the ground.

Lucy: my symbiote allows me to be more concealed with my stealth. I thought I mastered the art of the darkness but now I can say I have become the darkness itself.

Lana groans as she gets up to face lucy. Lucy then quickly formed her black bat wings and shot up in the air, dodging the green tendrils behind her. Lucy looked down and saw lisa with green tendrils coming out of her back.

Lisa: you should be more aware of your surroundings seventh eldest sister unit or have you forgotten that you have two symbiotic siblings to contend with?

Lana took this chance to leap up in the air behind lucy. Forming a long, dark blue lizard tail from behind, lana swung it at lucy, who barely dodged it. Lucy landed foot first on the ground, seeing lana and lisa get into fighting stance, ready to fight lucy. Lucy got into her fighting stance and spread her bat wings.

Lucy: sigh... alright here I come.

Lucy then glides full force at lisa and lana, who readied their guard for the goth's incoming attack.

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