Chapter 30 (Remastered): Things Return & Change

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After what seemed like forever, the Monday lincoln hoped for finally came. His Suspension and grounding was officially over. Lori managed to drop everyone off at school, including Lincoln, and Luna decided to skip out on school to visit Sam in the hospital.

Meanwhile, Lincoln was walking through the hallway as everyone was in silence, looking at him with different looks. The students were having mixed feelings about what happened between Lincoln and Chandler. One half of the students were afraid of how Lincoln beat… no brutalized Chandler and his goons while the other half of the students were glad that Chandler got what he deserved for being a spoiled rich punk with a foul mouth which pushed Lincoln to his breaking point when Chandler humiliates and insults him, Ronnie anne and his family.

Lincoln doesn't regret what he did but he was glad Lucy, Lana and Lisa and their symbiotes stopped him and Omega from killing chandler, he didn't want to go down that road. Luckily, Chandler was transferred to another school once he heals from the injuries of course, Lincoln hopes to never see Chandler's face again.

Lincoln ignores the looks and heads to class, giving all his assignments he worked on during suspension to Mrs. Johnson as he went to take a seat next to Clyde, Liam, Rusty and Zach.

Lincoln: Hey guys.

Clyde: Hey bud. Welcome back to school.

Lincoln: Thanks.

Liam: Ya doing alright linc?

Lincoln: Yeah, did all my assignments during suspension, it was torture but I got it done though.

Rusty: Yeah but man… you thrashed chandler and sent him packing too.

Zach: Half of the school is afraid of you for what happened, thinking you're the new bully while others are glad someone finally stepped up to him.

Lincoln: Ok, one, I'm not being the new bully and two, I hurt Chandler to teach him not to bring my loved ones into his rants or not to walk all over me or anybody, not for no reason like he's been doing, targeting everyone weaker or poor on money then he is.

Rusty: Ok, well at least he's at another school so we won't see him anymore.

Liam: Yep. He's been a pain in each of our tails.

Clyde: Well, I admit that I was scared of what you did to him, but you're still my best bud.

Lincoln: Thanks Clyde.

Lincoln and his friends then ended their conversation as Mrs. Johnson begins class.


We then cut to the hospital where we see luna heading to Sam's room with some burpin burger breakfast. Luna breathes in and out as she walks into the room.

Luna: Sam, I'm here with breakfast.

Sam, dressed in a blue hospital gown, pants and two blue casts on her legs, was trying to walk on crutches.

Sam: Oh hey luna-Whoa, whoa, losing balance! Whoa!!

Sam was about to fall but Luna instantly caught the blonde rockstar.

Sam: Phew… thanks lunes.

Luna: No problem Sam. Got any updates on your condition?

Sam: Sigh…. Well nothing bad but my legs will be healed in 6 to 8 weeks. It's a real bummer that my legs are broken and I have to get used to crutches.

Luna: I know dude but I'll stick by you.

Sam: Thanks Luna, and hey, it's not like someone could inject me with a serum and heal my legs, but what's the chance of that happening, hehehe.

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