Chapter 29: Luna's monstrous training (Remastered)

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It was Sunday as we cut to lincoln's room where the white haired boy all caught up on his work as his suspension was nearing the end. He couldn't wait to go back to school but wondered how everyone would react to him returning after his fight with Chandler. He didn't really care about it as he was glad that Chandler got what he deserved for mocking him and his family.

He then thought about Dread spike’s warning that tetherby was the beginning of the dangerous threats that was coming to royal woods so he and his six sisters needed to be ready, along with the help of Ava and the delta marvel force. And hopefully, he and his six sisters can find a way to master their berserk state so they won't become a mindless monster like luna did.

Lincoln: sigh...

Lincoln was especially worried because today, Luna would try to control herself to not become Berserk. Lisa came up with an idea to help. Without the electricity in the equation, she would submit high level sounds that luna and echo could absorb the sound waves to help her out to control her berserker form. Luna was nervous about this at first but she decided to do it in order to control the beast within.

Lana: I just have one question… where exactly are we gonna do this? It's not like Luna can do this in the house, cause if she does, Lola and the others are gonna know something's up.

Lori: And we can't go to the warehouse because Lincoln is literally on the last day of his suspension and mom told him no going out & no funny business.

Lisa: I think I have a solution to where we could perform the experiment.

Luna: what is it lis?

Lisa: I noticed a rundown concert dome far south of royal woods we could use that to start your sound absorption with multiple sound amp and your guitar to play it at full power til you go berserk as you try to control it's power.

Luna: That's perfect! But it could be a problem if you are only there to supervise, Lis…

Lisa: Not to worry, my third eldest sibling. I've asked Lynn to come along in case of emergency. Power's durability and high strength will most certainly be an asset in containment if necessary.

Lynn: yeah!

Luna: thanks sis.


Later at the concert dome….

Luna: We all set up, Lisa?

Lisa: yes, all musical amps are set up on stage, speakers are at full power and ready to rock, as you say. Lynn, are you in position for containment?

Lynn: yep, I'm ready!

Lisa: ok then, you may rock when ready.

Luna was on stage with large, multiple musical amps with her new guitar in hand as she was ready.

Luna: let's rock!!

Luna begins to jam on her guitar as Echo wrapped around Luna, protecting her from the high frequency soundwaves.

Lynn: (yells over the music) So uh…. How long is this gonna take?!

Lisa: (yells over the music) Just a few more minutes!!

Echo luna: aaaagggghhhhh!!! I-I can feel the sound waves being absorbed into me!!!

Lisa: Good! Keep it up, you're almost there luna!!

Lynn: Power, maybe we should suit up now just in case!

Power: Very well…

Lynn: What's up, you having second thoughts?

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