Chapter 43: Summer Break Start

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The next morning....

The Loud sisters & Ava were in the line for the bathroom as Leni was here, taking quite a while to get ready.

Lola: C'mon Leni, you've been in there forever!

Leni: (from inside the bathroom) I'm almost done!

Lola: You said that the last few minutes.

Ava: (to Lynn) I see what you mean about waiting this long for the bathroom when ya gotta go.

Lynn: Comes with the perks of being in a large family with one bathroom.

Luan and Luna noticed someone missing from the line; Lucy and Lincoln were absent.

Luan: Hey, where's Lincoln and Lucy?

Lori: They got up early and freshen up before us. Lincoln and Lucy are downstairs having breakfast.

Luna: Oh. Bro & Spooky really planned ahead to get the first serve.

Ava: While it's the last day of school, wish I could stay home like Linc and the younger sisters.

Lynn: I know but their school is closed for repairs due to it nearly being burned down by a crazy kid in a armored suit.

Luan: We all got plans for the summer when school ends.

Lori: True, I'm graduating high school myself and planning on checking out Fairway University. I know the rest of you will be moving up in your class, Luan heading up to high school, Luna and Leni moving up a grade in high school, same with Lynn & Ava in middle school and Lincoln getting his test scores in the mail if he passes the classes to head to middle school and so on with the younger sisters.

Luna: Yeah but worrying about that school/college stuff is AFTER our 3 months of summer, brah.

Lana: I honestly can't wait for the fun we're all gonna have for this vacation.

Lisa: Yes. Indeed.

Lola: Leni! Come out of the bathroom right now!

The door opens as Leni in a robe came out.

Leni: All done, it's all yours now.

Luan was next in line.

Luan: Thanks.

Luan heads into the bathroom, closing the door as the other Loud sisters and Ava still wait their turn.


After moments of freshening up and having breakfast made by Lincoln and Lynn Sr, The five older sisters and Ava head off to school while the younger sisters & Lincoln stayed behind since their school was closed.

Lynn Sr went to work while Rita stayed behind to watch the younger siblings. Speaking of whom, Lola was upstairs doing her makeup, Lana was in the garage working on a go kart with Risk helping her as her partner, Lisa was in her room experimenting with chemicals as usual with Sync assisting her, Lily was being tended to by Rita, who was changing her diaper, And Lincoln was watching his favorite show, ARRGH!, on television.

Lincoln: Ah, I love this show. The paranormal, the ghost hunting-

???: The ghosts especially.

Lincoln was spooked by Lucy, who was sitting next to him. Even with his super senses, Lucy still was invisible to his radar.

Lincoln: Oh hey Lucy. What brings you here?

Lucy: Oh nothing much, just thinking of more rhymes for my latest poem.

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