Chapter 11: luna and lincoln visit sam

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It was Thursday morning as lincoln awoke from his slumber. He looked at the sleeping luna and smiled as he gently shook her shoulder to awake her. Luna slowly opened her eyes as she let out a loud yawn before looking at lincoln with half lit eyes.

Luna: (smiles) good morning lil bro.

Lincoln: (smiles) good morning luna.

Luna fully sat up on lincoln's bed, stretching her arms.

Luna: so did you sleep well?

Lincoln: yep. How about you?

Luna: same for me dude.

Lincoln: well let's ready to start the day shall we? Today we're going to visit sam at the hospital.

Luna's eyes widened.

Luna: oh yeah! I almost forgot about that!

Luna quickly gets out of bed and heads out the door, dragging lincoln to the bathroom. Luna goes in first to freshen up as lincoln stands out in the halls to wait for his turn to use the bathroom. Luckily there was no line for the bathroom again. After a few minutes, luna came out in her purple robe.

Luna: all yours bro.

Lincoln: thanks luna.

Lincoln enters the bathroom to freshen up. After he was done, lincoln went to his room and got dressed in his new clothes. Lincoln heads out the door to see luna, dressed in her new clothes, ready to go.

Luna: ready to go lil bro?

Lincoln: yeah but it's a bit too early right now so let's not rush things, how about we go for a walk until the time comes for the hospital to open for visiting hours.

Luna: not bad bro. Before we go, let's write a note so the fam doesn't get worried about us being gone.

Lincoln: alright.

Both lincoln and luna each wrote a note and stamped them on their room doors before tip toeing downstairs to the front door, opening it and closing it behind them as they left the loud house.

Narrator: at royal woods park.

Lincoln and luna have a nice long walk through the neighborhood until finally reaching royal woods park. It was quite a peaceful day this morning. The two loud siblings went to a nearby bench to sit on.

Lincoln: quite a peaceful day.

Luna: (smiles) sure is bro.

Lincoln: so.... what's sam like.

Luna: well lil bro... she's nice, cool, free spirited, and loves to rock n' roll! (Put up the rock horn gestures with her fingers)

Lincoln: (smirks) so basically she's like you?

Luna: (giggles) yeah... she's very beautiful dude and I'm glad to have her as my girlfriend.

Lincoln: so long have you guys been dating?

Luna: two months bro and like me, sam hasn't told her folks yet.

Lincoln: so her parents don't know either?

Luna shook her head no.

Luna: we decided to tell our parents when the time comes. But since you're the only one in my family that knows about me and sam, I trust you and I know sam will trust you too when you meet her bro. (Smiles)

Lincoln: okay.

Narrator: 2:00pm at royal woods hospital.

Luna: excuse me nurse, is there a sam sharp staying here?

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