Chapter 40: New Recruits Pt 2- The Wondrous Gal

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Lincoln: So... what is it that you wish to discuss, Dan?

Dan: We're here to discuss the latest subject of recruits. As Director Fury informed us that we're not only training your team but we're looking at add more new heroes to your ranks as well as ours. New adversaries and villains are showing up either aiming to take your symbiotes for their own  purposes due to the late Tetherby's hit out on you or choosing royal woods as their claim for destruction or domination before moving onto the world.

Tori: (smiles widely) Yep, they appear WIDE OPEN outta nowhere!

Jadynn: Sigh... that aside, as villains appear to state their claim on royal woods, heroes or anti-heroes will appear to make their mark, some will try a solo act but sometimes going solo won't be enough.

Amy: Fury gave us a bio list of super individuals within, near or coming to royal woods. Our job is to observe and scout them to see if they have the potential means to join the S.H.I.E.L.D. ranks.

Lincoln: Well now that you mention it, I came across another symbiote and host.

Adam: You did?

Lincoln: Yeah, an anti-hero type who had men hunting him and tried to attack his family in order to get him but we took care of it. His name is Kyle but his symbiote is called Scorpio. I offered to recruit him but he said he'll take the offer under consideration.

Dan: Excellent work.

Lori: That's great and all but I have a question... what- (interupted by Addison)

Addison: (finishes lori's sentence) .... Am I doing here?

Lori: How did you-

Addison: (finishes lori's sentence) ... know what you were going to say? I'm a telepath & the one who helped you with the Gem Grappler.

Lori: (eyes widen in realization) You're the girl hero who defeated her!

Addison rolls her eyes.

Addison: Consider us even for dealing with that delinquent who ruined my painting.

Lori: Thanks.

Addison: Don't mention it... ever.

Lynn: (whispers to Lana & Ava) Geez, what bit her on the butt?

Lana & Ava shrugged. Addison sends an icy glare to Lynn, Ava and Lana, who immediately kept quiet as the glare sent chills down their spines, even Power & Risk felt that.

Dan: Addison Frost Aka Ice Queen is one of the recruits sent to us.

Addison: Against my better judgement... I didn't want to be apart of this team at all but... sigh... my aunt insisted on it as a way to.... make friends...

The eight louds, Ava and Sam had mixed expressions. Then the large Tv monitor appeared from an open passage in the roof as a video transmission came through, revealing a tall, beautiful, fair skinned woman with pale blonde hair, blue eyes and a curvaceous figure & she was wearing a white top, white jacket, white jeans and shoes. She had an icy stare that sent chills down the louds, Sam and Ava's spines more so than Addison's stare.

Ava: Uhhh guys... is it me or does that woman look like she wants to assassinate us...?

Addison: Auntie.

Lincoln: Auntie?

Dan: Yes, This is Addison Frost's Aunt but she goes by the name Emma Frost.

Lincoln: What?! E-Emma Frost?!?! She's one of the X-men and a high level telepathic mutant! You're Emma Frost's niece?!

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