Chapter 34 (Remastered): Luan's Return, A sudden Blueprint & A Kidnapping

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It was a partly cloudy day over the loud house as Rita and Lynn Sr went to go pick up Luan from the hospital, meaning that Lori was in charge for the day.

Everyone was doing their own thing. Lori was talking to Bobby via video chat, Leni was designing her newest dress, Luna was talking to Sam on the phone while she was writing a song, Lynn was playing Soccer with Ava, Lucy was writing a new poem, Lola was getting ready for her next pageant, Lana was in the garage fixing something, Lisa was focusing on her experiment in her secret lab in the basement while Lily was fast asleep and Lincoln was in his room, studying for the upcoming exams. While the white haired loud was busy with his work, the door was kicked open as Lola came in.

Lola: Lincoln! I need you to help me out with my training for the annual supreme princess pageant!

Lincoln: I can't right now, Lola. I'm busy at the moment.

Lola: (annoyed) Busy? Tch! All you're doing is reading comics-

Lincoln: I'm not reading comics, I'm busy with my work & studying for the upcoming exams in school. If I don't study and pass the exam, mom and dad will send me to summer school-

Lola: Not my problem, now let's go! I need to know which dress I'm gonna wear or which routine I'm gonna use to best Lindsey Sweetwater & the others!

Lincoln: (annoyed) Lola! I'm busy with my studies, ask someone else!

Lola: (angry) You better assist me with my pageant training right now or else! I will not lose this pageant to Lindsey Sweetwater! 'Cause if I do, you're gonna pay-

Lori: (enters the room) What is going on?!

Lola: Lincoln won't help me out with my training for the annual supreme princess pageant!

Lincoln: I told Lola that I can't right now, I'm busy with my studies but she's too stubborn to take No for an answer!

Lola: (glares angrily) Whatta you say?! How dare you-


Lincoln and Lola instantly kept quiet.

Lori: Lola, obviously, Lincoln is trying to study. If he's busy with his work, he can't help you right now.

Lola: That's not fair!

Lori: Life's literally not fair, Lola. Lincoln was already on thin ice before with Mom and Dad after the Chandler fiasco and suspension to keep up on his work, he doesn't need you in his case. Everyone is getting ready to the last two weeks of school so they can have time for summer but all you're doing is driving them away from their own work to help you with yours!

Lola: But he-

Lori: I don't want to hear it, let Lincoln study or you won't be going to your pageant at all. Am I clear?

Lola sighs in annoyance.

Lola: (through gritted teeth) Fine...

Lola gives Lincoln one final glare that spelled "This isn't over!" before stomping out of the room. Lincoln rolls his eyes as he slightly smiles at Lori.

Lincoln: Thanks Lori.

Lori: No problem little brother. I understand you have that exam coming up but don't overwork yourself, okay?

Lincoln: Okay. How's your high school thing coming along?

Lori: Literally great, I'm almost up to graduation week. Living a double life as a superhero/soon to be in a college girl.

Lincoln: Yeah. If I ace this test, I'll be in middle school.

Lori ruffles Lincoln's hair.

Lori: I know you can do it. We all get nervous during these times, I should know, I've been in your shoes on trying to ace a test. You'll be okay.

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