Chapter 12: The chase

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The two loud siblings were chasing the mysterious female figure through the dark alley. Seeing the dead end, the figure jumped high in the air on the roof, making her escape. Luna got angry as her echo symbiote burst out of her clothes, covering her body in her symbiote suit as she climbed the walls after the assailant.

Lincoln: luna wait!

The omega symbiote burst out of his clothes, covering him in his symbiote suit as he went after luna. The chase was on as luna and lincoln were tailing the assailant as they were jumping each rooftop one by one until finally reaching a construction site, jumping off the last rooftop and landing in said site.

???: it looks like we're finally alone but where the other five symbiotes and their hosts?

Omega lincoln: I'm not obligated to tell you the whereabouts of my teammates. Echo and I are more than enough to handle you.

???: (chuckles evilly) oh you think so? Well I would love to see you try.

Echo luna growled.

Echo luna: (angry) were you the one who burn down the royal woods mall?

The mysterious female figure was chuckling evilly as luna's white crescent moon shaped eyes narrowed as her anger was rising.

Echo luna: (furious) I SAID ARE YOU THE ONE WHO DID IT?!

The mysterious female figure let out an evil laugh which was angering luna even more.

???: yes I did it because I love to cause some destruction plus I've hired to draw you guys out to take your symbiotes.

Echo luna let out an inhuman growl.

???: (mockingly) aww...what's the matter? It's just a mall, it ain't gone forever or was someone important to you got trapped in the fire? A sibling? A parent? Cousin perhaps? Or maybe your love interest?

That was it. Luna then let out a distored roar as she lunged forward at the female figure with long tendril claws ready to tear her apart but the female assailant threw some type of silver orb at luna. The silver orb then broke out into a spider-like drone that attached itself to luna's chest, letting out a high jolt of electricity, shocking the symbiote clad rocker.

Echo luna: (lets out a pain filled shriek) EEEEEEEYYYYYYAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!

Omega lincoln: luna!!

The symbiote clad brother rushes over to luna, who was on the ground screaming in pain as she was being electrocuted by the spider drone attached to her chest. He carefully removes the drone, getting shocked a little himself and crushed it in his hand. Lincoln helps luna up.

Omega lincoln: are you okay?

Echo luna: y-yeah thanks bro.

Omega glared at the female assailant.

???:'ve managed to crush my little creation, oh well I still have more surprises for you two.

The mysterious female figure removes her trench coat and fedora, revealing herself to omega and echo, who's eyes widen in shock. The woman was slightly tanned, had long brown hair in a low ponytail, and her eye color was crimson red but that wasn't the shocking part. She had a perfect figure but....almost 88 percent of her body and her left eye was replaced with several robot parts, meaning she was part cyborg. She grins maliciously at omega lincoln and echo luna's shocked expressions.

???: shocked we are? Oh but where are my manners, I forgot to introduce myself. I am cybra...and my mission is to retrieve your symbiotes and to eliminate the hosts.

The loud symbiotes  (a loud house x marvel crossover)Where stories live. Discover now