Chapter 39: New Recruits Pt 1- Scorpio & Ice Queen

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After the Events of the Bio Symbiote Hybrids, new reporter Katherine Milligan had the biggest scoop of her life as Newspapers instantly got up.

Spinning newspapers appeared on screen.




The animals who were once hybrids were treated by doctors and sent to the zoo or to the forest where they belong. The citizens of royal woods who were once hybrids were treated as well before being sent home to their families and/or loved ones while parts of the city was being repaired. Most citizens, including the louds friends have some nice comments on the Heroes saving them during the hybrid attack while others, especially Ron Steel say that the Heroes are responsible for the damage & the sudden disappearance of Domain Wolfe after his building was blown up, calling them menaces/vigilantes.

Despite peace returning to royal woods, things will only get crazier sooner or later.


Narrator: Early in the morning...

Meanwhile at the warehouse hideout, Luan was brought in by Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lincoln, Lucy, Lana and Lisa as the Comedian tells them her story of how she became the Atomic Goblin. Ava and Sam were here too but both were resting due to yesterday's event.

Lynn: So you fought your nightmare self, who was plotting to drive you insane in order to take over your body?

Lisa: And you managed to overcome said nightmarish personality... and my S.C.M.R.O. double gave you one of my forbidden serums to fix your broken bones?!

Luan: Yep. And booooy was that painful. But my arm & shoulder are all fixed up and I'm all super soldiered up, hahaha! Get it?

Lisa: I'm surprised that my creation would do such a thing yet it's dangerous. Don't ever try anything like that again, who knows what it would've done to you instead of healing your arm & shoulder.

Luan: Okay, Okay. Geez, don't get your bones in a twist, Hehehehe.

Lana: But where did this nightmare you come from.

Lisa: I have a theory... you must have experienced not just a physical attack from the Chee-hawk hybrid but a traumatic attack which triggered a mental rupture in your mind, possibly when you tried to protect Lincoln and Lana.

Luan: Maybe you're right... it was also linked to my previous April Fools day moments, she kept saying that I was a monster who couldn't protect my family from anything, especially myself.... (she looks down).

Luna: (pats Luan on the back) It's okay Luan, you showed that nightmare you're not what she says you are, your pranks can be harsh yes but you ain't a heartless monster.

Lori: We may put up with your pranks but we literally don't think less of you.

Lincoln: Plus, you saved me from being a bio symbiote hybrid's dinner & helped us saved the city.

They gave Luan a hug, making the comedian smile as she hugs them back.

Luan: Thanks guys, I appreciate it. But I can't take all the credit, lana's the one who stopped that Domain Wolfe guy.

Lana: And I unlocked that new form of Risk as well. Though he got away, we'll be ready if he returns.

Lucy: Sigh... true.

Lana: So Luan... since you have powers and weaponry, you wanna join the symbi-warriors?

Luan: (pirate accent) Arrrgh! Consider the Atomic Goblin apart of thy crew, matey! Hahaha! Get it?

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