Chapter 35: Lana Vemonized- A dangerous transformation & Luan's resolve

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We cut to the north side of royal woods where we see Delta Marvel Force members Tech Knight, Sapphire Spider, Ruby Spider, Wildslash and Ms. Mirage fighting off their own share of symbiote empowered hybrids in order to keep them from abducting people.

Wildslash was fighting a couple of symbiote empowered humanoid porcupine hybrids. He was dodging their sharp quills and tail whips as he attempts to attack them with his claws but their wounds close as the creatures clash with him.

Wildslash: These things are really getting on my nerves. (Punches one creature away)

Tech Knight was flying around as he was being chased by a group of humanoid bat symbiote hybrids. He fired his repulsar blasts at 5 of them but more took their place as they continue their pursuit on him.

Tech Knight: My sensors are picking up symbiotic molecular structure within these bio androids, some kind of enhancement and reconstruction of their DNA mixed in with symbiote DNA.

The humanoid bat symbiote hybrids swarmed Tech Knight, who begins fighting them off and nailing them to the ground with solidifying gel from his projectiles.

Tech Knight: Consider the bats grounded.

But then, a group of symbiote empowered eagle hybrids appeared before the armored hero.

Tech Knight: Symbiote Eagle Bio Android Hybrids, huh? Well time to bring the big fight.

As Tech Knight clashes with the flying hybrids, we see Ruby Spider and Sapphire Spider dealing with some symbiote empowered chimp/rat hybrids. Ruby Spider was countering each swift strike these short yet  hyperactive hybrids were dishing out but they started to gang up on him & attack him, then glowing red light & steam was coming from the swarm as the hybrids were sent flying and burning by Ruby Spider.

Ruby Spider: I'm bringing the heat.

Sapphire Spider was shooting webs to restrain some of the chimp/rat hybrids but more kept coming or breaking loose from his webs, the frozen spider hero slams his hands to the ground which rumbles as a huge flow shot out and incased the hybrids in ice.

Sapphire Spider: Got it.

His spider sense went off as he turns to see a symbiote empowered gorilla/snow leopard hybrid was about to pounce on him but was blasted away by a large fireball, courtesy of Ruby Spider.

Sapphire Spider: Thanks Bro.

Ruby Spider: No problem.

We then see Ms. Mirage surrounded by a group of symbiote empowered humanoid scorpion hybrids.

Ms. Mirage: 20 against 1, commendable but pointless... for 20 × 0 is still 0. (Hands and eyes glowed ghostly white) Come forth, Fog of the Eternal Night!

A supernatural circle appeared under Ms. Mirage and all 20 hybrids as a massive layer of white & eerie dark blue fog engulfed them. The hybrids looked around for their prey but one by one, they were ensnared in dark chains and dragged into the depths of the fog, screeching in agony.

The fog diminishes as Ms. Mirage was left standing.

Ms. Mirage: Sigh... you wanna dance too...?

She turns to a symbiote empowered six armed humanoid spider hybrid, who screeched at Ms. Mirage, who was unfazed by it as they clashed.

Soon, Shadow Lucy and Omega Lincoln arrived to the scene.

Omega Lincoln: We're here!

Shadow Lucy: Sigh...

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