Chapter 31 (Remastered): The Birth of Bombshell.

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We now cut to downtown royal woods where we see Symbi-warriors members Echo Luna, Shadow Lucy, Risk Lana, Power Lynn and Delta marvel force members Tech Knight, Hawk Spider, Colossa and Sapphire Spider searching for Sam Sharp, who was now hulkified.

Risk Lana: Wow, cool new form you have there Lynn.

Power Lynn: Thanks, I really got to know the aspects of Power's abilities.

Echo Luna: Sam….

Shadow Lucy: Sigh... don't worry Luna, we'll help your friend.

Echo Luna: I can't believe that this happened to her.

Colossa: Well my other half told you that the serum mixed up my blood would do more than heal Sam's broken legs.

Sapphire Spider: Hopefully, she won't be outta control.

Then the heroes deliver a trail of giant footprints leading to the abandoned streets of eastern part of royal woods.

Hawk Spider: Follow the tracks.

Tech Knight: Right.

Echo Luna: (in her mind) We're coming for ya Sam, please be okay.

The group then follow the trail of footprints that'll lead them to Sam sharp.


Speaking of whom, Sam Sharp, who was now a dark blue Hulk was having a blast as she ran at incredible speed and jumped at maximum power. Despite the excruciating pain she felt in her broken legs & entire body from that medicine she took, Sam felt absolutely amazing now.


Sam went for another high jump into the air as she felt like she could touch the skies with this kind of agility and speed. Landing back on her feet to the ground which formed a big crater, Sam walks around as she sees her reflection in a glass window.

Hulk Sam: Whoa… I've really changed so much, talk about a growth spurt. My hair’s gotten longer, got taller and more bulkier as well as dark blue skin. Heh, I don't look too bad but I better get out of sight before I attract some unwanted attention.

The Blonde Hulk rocker looks around for a place to take shelter in as she notices an abandoned movie theater 4 blocks from here.

Hulk Sam: I suppose that will do for now.

Hulk Sam heads to the location, unaware that a couple of green eyes were watching her. Squeezing herself into the entrance, Hulk Sam closes the entrance by blocking it with crates as she looks around the area.

Hulk Sam: What a dump… this place is quite huge yet it reeks big time. Maybe I can chill here for a while until I can figure it out how this bulky form works.

The hulk rocker then spots a run down snack vending machine as she walks towards it and begins to lift it up with ease.

Hulk Sam: Sweet. Now I wonder if I can….

Hulk Sam lifts up the snack machine over her head as she brings it down hard on her large, bulky knee as a big metal clang sound is heard with the vending machine broken in half.

Hulk Sam: Whoa! This is absolutely incredible, not only are my legs healed… they're strong as steel! I could definitely get used to being a Hulk!

Sam then stretches out as she looks around.

Hulk Sam: I wonder if Luna’s worried about me…. She did kinda freak out a little when I transformed, hopefully I can find her soon when there's no one to spot me.

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