Chapter 10: Luna tells lincoln the truth

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It was 8:00 at night as lynn Sr, rita, leni, luan, lola, and lily were back from pop-pop's. Entering the house, lynn Sr called out.

Lynn Sr: kids we're home!

Half of the loud siblings (sans luna) came downstairs.

Lori: hey guys how was your day at pop-pop's?

Rita: oh it was fine sweetie. How was your day at the mall?

Lynn Sr got a good look at lincoln, lori, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa's new attires.

Lynn Sr: and I gotta say you guys are rockin' those threads mate. (Spoke in a failed british accent)

Lincoln: (smiles) thanks dad and we had a good time at the mall.

Lana: we bought a lot of stuff.

Lola: (jealous) I wish I could of gone to the mall.

Leni: can I go with you next time lori?

Lori: (frowns) yeah... there's a bit of problem with that.

Leni: like what?

Lori: when we were done shopping... when we were about to go home... the mall was engulfed in flames and exploded.

Lynn Sr, rita, lola, luan, lily, and especially leni gasped in horror.

Leni: (fell to her knees and scream in a dramatic fashion) NOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Lynn Sr: (worried) are you guys alright?!

Rita: (worried) you didn't get hurt, did you?! And where's luna?! Don't tell me she-

Lori: mom! We're fine and luna's  okay too, she's up in her room right now and she isn't too happy at the moment.

Lynn Sr: why?

Lincoln: (lied) because the new mick swagger album she bought got caught in the fire.

Lynn Sr: (fell to his knees and scream in a dramatic fashion) no... no.... no.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! NOT THE NEW MICK SWAGGER ALBUM, I HAVEN'T LISTENED TO IT YET, IT WAS SO YOUNG, WHHHYYYYYYY!!!!! (sobs dramatically)

Rita: (rolls her eyes at husband) okay... (to lori) but you are okay right?

Lori: yes.

Lana: and you won't believe what happened there. Just as the mall was erupting in flames and people were running out of there, those seven superheroes who were fighting that spiked armored maniac yesterday came to the rescue and got all of the people out of the mall before it exploded. (Smiles widely)

Lynn Sr: you mean those seven costumed crusaders?

Lana: yeah!

Lincoln: they were on the news as they address themselves as the new protectors of royal woods, they called themselves the symbi-warriors.

Lynn Sr: symbi-warriors hmm? Catchy.

Rita: as long as they live to protect royal woods and its people then I'm okay with them.

Lynn Sr: well I'll get dinner started. (Walks into the kitchen)

Lynn: well I'm gonna watch the sports channel. (Hops on the couch and watches television)

Lori: well I'm gonna go text bobby on my new phone. (Walks upstairs)

Lucy: sigh... I'm gonna perform a ritual with my new spellbook. (Walks upstairs)

Lisa: I must attend to my scientific studies. (Walks upstairs)

One after another the loud siblings (sans lynn) went upstairs to their own rooms to do their usual activities until dinner is done.

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