Chapter 16: lincoln and lynn's day of fun

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Another day at the loud house as the loud sisters were doing their usual activities and lincoln was reading his Spiderman comic on the couch. He was supposed to be grounded in his room with no comics and video games but after it took some convincing from luna and lisa, the loud parents decided to lower lincoln's grounding to a just a week instead of 4 weeks.

Lincoln was happy when luna and lisa told him the news. He was glad to know that most of his sisters to have his back.

Lincoln: (sighs happily) ahh...nothing like a good spiderman comic to read and relax.

Then his senses went off as he dodged an incoming football that hit leni, who was walking out of the kitchen.

Leni: owww...!

Lynn: oops! Sorry leni.

Leni: (gets up) like, it's okay. I'm fine. (Walks away)

Lincoln: so much for my relaxing day.
Any reason to why you were aiming the football at me lynn?

Lynn: I was testing your senses, seeing if you can either catch the ball or dodge it. I gotta say it wasn't that bad. (Smiles)

Lincoln: okay but be careful. You just hit leni over the head with that football.

Lynn: leni is okay. She does have a hard head, you know.

Lincoln: how is your day?

Lynn: well...I was about to meet ava for a sports day of fun.

Lincoln: ava?

Lynn: yeah. The pitcher girl of the badgers softball team. We may be rivals but we have fun together even when it comes to competition.

Lincoln: oh okay. Have fun.

Lincoln went back to reading his Spiderman comics but lynn walked closer to him and sat next to him, getting his attention.

Lynn: lincoln...I was wondering if you would like to join me and ava for a day outside.

Lincoln: lynn, you know how I am at sports.

Lynn: I know that but we never spent time together. I promise I won't force to go or make you do anything you don't want to.

Lincoln then thought about it and looks into lynn's eyes. She really wants to spent with him and this time she's not using any threatening terms to force him to go with her.

Lincoln: (sighs) alright since you ask nicely, I'll go with you.

Lynn smiled as she gave lincoln a bone crushing bug.

Lynn: (excited) thanks lincoln!

Lincoln: lynn...can't breathe here...

Lynn lets go of lincoln.

Lynn: (laughs nervously while rubbing the back of her head) sorry linc.

Lincoln: it's okay. So when are we leaving?

Lynn: right now.

The sports sister grabs lincoln's hand and drags the white haired boy out of the house and to the garage as lynn and lincoln grab their bikes and helmets, riding away from the loud house.

Narrator: 15 minutes later.

The two loud siblings made it to royal woods park. Lincoln was getting a little tired keeping up with lynn on the bike trip here so they sat up on the bench as they wait for lynn's friend to show up.

Lincoln: so...nice day, huh?

Lynn: (shrugs) eh, it is.

Lincoln: so when does your friend/rival get here?

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