chapter 13: Blamed

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Luan furiously stomps her way toward lincoln and luna, seeing them both bruised and after noticing luna with the most bruises, she sets her angry eyes on lincoln, who gulped nervously. The comedian took lincoln away from luna as she grabs him by the front of his black hood and yells in his face.

Luan: (furiously) LINCOLN!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO LUNA?!

Lincoln: (tries to explain) luan I know what you're thinking and believe me that I didn't-

Luan: thinking about what?! That you were carrying luna who looks like she's came out of a street fight! And seeing that she has more bruises than you and a black eye, you're the culprit!

This brought the attention of lori, leni, lynn, lucy, lola, lana, lisa, and lily.

Lori: what is going on here!

Luan: lincoln beat up luna, that's what's going on! (Glares angrily at lincoln)

Sisters: (sans luan and luna) WHAT?!

Luan: when I woke up to go to the bathroom, I saw lincoln heading to his room with luna but I noticed the bruises on both of them. I saw luna more injured in bruises than lincoln so I put the pieces together to conclude that lincoln was beating the heck out of luna!

The sisters look at luna, who was against the wall, had major bruises and a black eye. The sisters glared daggers at lincoln.

Leni: (disappointed) linky how could you?

Lola: (angry) where do you get off beating on your sister like that! You got a lot of nerve!

Sisters: (sans luna) yeah!

Lincoln: (getting annoyed) you've got it all wrong! I didn't beat up luna!

Luan: (glares) then explain the bruises!

Lincoln: well I....

Lincoln tries to come up with a cover story for himself and luna so he doesn't get beaten by luan and the others but sadly he had nothing.

Luan: (angry) well what?! Nothing to say?! Prepare for a 'mammoth' beating, hahahaha! Get it? But seriously, I'm gonna teach you a painful lesson!

As luan was about to beat up lincoln, the booming voice of lynn Sr was heard as he and rita came up the stairs.


Lola: lincoln beat up luna!

Lynn Sr and rita gasp as they saw the bruises on luna and lincoln. Then the loud parents give lincoln a stern glare.

Lynn Sr: (upset) young man care to explain why you were beating on your sister.

Lincoln: dad I didn't beat up luna, luan is overreacting!

Luan: I'm not overreacting and you're one second away from a painful punchline!

Rita: luan enough! Let go of lincoln now!

Luan did what her mother said and let go of the white haired boy and glared at him.

Rita: lincoln I am very disappointed in you, I thought we raised you not to be obnoxious and to not beat on girls, especially your sisters.

Lincoln: (irritated) but I didn't beat her up!

Luna: (finally spoke) h-he's telling the truth d-dudes. (Winced in pain) the reason why I'm bruised was because I-I fell down the stairs.

Luna hoped that they would believe her false story but no one fell for it though secretly, lori, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa knew lincoln was telling the truth as was luna. Whatever happened to them, it sure wasn't a siblings brawl...not this time.

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