Chapter 19: A brutal fight at school

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Things have been getting exciting for lincoln. He met another team of heroes known as the delta marvel force, trained by the most powerful superheroes and S.H.I.E.L.D, they were sent here to royal woods help out lincoln and his six sisters, the symbi-warriors. It's like lincoln's dream out of a comic come true.

But today he was at school so there was no crime alert today, hopefully.

In the cafeteria, lincoln and clyde were having lunch. Clyde commented lincoln on his new clothes, which lincoln thanked him for the complement.

Clyde: (excited) did you see the symbi-warriors teaming up with those other heroes yesterday? I mean, they took out that cloning villain in seconds.

Lincoln: (Slightly smiles) yeah. I gotta admit they are very cool.

Clyde: so buddy what have you been up to since we had to have school cancelled during the whole spiked madman accident?

Lincoln: (lied) oh nothing special. Just hanging out with my sisters.

In his mind, lincoln really wanted to tell clyde about him, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana and lisa being the symbi-warriors but he feared that telling him would put him in danger, the same with half of his family that didn't know.

So he and his six sisters chose to keep it a secret.

Clyde: I wonder how lori is doing since bobby moved away? She's probably thinking about me?

Lincoln: clyde, despite being far away, lori and bobby are still a couple. I'm sorry buddy but you and lori ain't gonna happen.

Clyde: I will not give up. Lori shall be mine.

Lincoln rolls his eyes as he chuckles at his best friend's lovesick speech to lori. As he continued to eat his lunch, he heard a smug voice call him.

???: hey larry!

Lincoln groaned in annoyance as he turns around to see chandler and his goons, smirking smugly at him. He was lincoln's bully and tormentor, the white remembered the time he tried to impress this jerk to come to one of his lame parties. Chandler used him and lori to get free pizza and games tokens. Chandler claimed to be the coolest kid in school but he's nothing but a red haired spoiled rich kid and these 'friends' only hang out him because all of the money he owns because of his dad's sewage plant. So far, chandler likes to pick on people for his own satisfaction, especially on lincoln but the white haired boy was now not in the mood to put up with the red haired kid's nonsense.

Lincoln: (glares) whatta you want chandler?

Chandler: (smirks; spoke in a smug voice) what's the glare larry, I was just coming by to say hello. You and the nerd over here talking about ace sissy and no eyed jack?

His goons laughed at the red haired kid's joke towards lincoln and clyde. Lincoln looked like he was going to shut chandler's mouth for him but he's trying not to get in trouble. The white haired boy also hears his symbiote omega trying to tell him to keep calm so he tried. Clyde instantly ran away from the group while lincoln stayed and glares at chandler.

Chandler: so larry do you have any money for us?

Lincoln: (hissed) why do you want my lunch money? You're rich, shouldn't have your own?

Chandler: (shrugs smugly) sure. I am fully loaded on money but I just love the satisfaction of taking yours, so hand it over or else. (Smirks menacingly)

Lincoln growls, grabs 20 bucks out of his hood pocket and gives chandler the money.

Lincoln: (spoke in a annoyed tone) here take it! Now leave!

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