Chapter 23: A deadly assault on the symbi-warriors

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It was a stormy day this morning in royal woods.

The scene cuts to lincoln's room as the thunder roared, waking up the white haired boy, who was breathing heavily as he looks around his room then out of the window, seeing that it was just a storm outside.

The white haired boy sighed as he got up and put on his black shirt, black hoodie with orange side stripes, pants and black shoes with orange lace as he opens his room door to see no one in the hallway, meaning that his sisters and ava, who was now living with the louds, was still asleep.

Lincoln walks out of his room and heads downstairs but the sound of a door opening stopped him in his tracks.

Lincoln turns around to see lana in her pjs walking out of her and lola's room. The tomboy turns to see lincoln near the stairs.

Lana: (yawns) lincoln where are you going?

Lincoln: (sighs in relief) oh it's just you lana.

Lana: who were you expecting, lola?

Lincoln: alright sorry, I'm just going outside for a moment to sit on the porch.

Lana: you know it's raining out there right?

Lincoln: yeah but I don't care about the storm. I just want some fresh air.

Lana: you know that's not bad. I'll join you but first I gotta go change.

Lana heads back to her and lola's room, closing the door behind her. Lincoln then heads downstairs and opens the front door, exiting the house as he sat down on the porch.

He gazed at the gray stormy sky, it wasn't too bad but it was still drizzling as the lightning flashed but the white haired boy didn't flinch at the sight.

The front door opened behind lincoln as lana, in her new clothes, came out of the house to join lincoln on sitting on the porch and watching the storm.

Lana: man it's drizzling out here.

Lincoln: yeah, you about to go dive in the mud?

Lana: not right now, I'm just here to sit on the porch with you and relax.

Lincoln: I thought you were afraid of storms.

Lana: (smiles) I used to be but now they just relax me as I go to sleep but lola is still shaking in her pageant shoes whenever thunder erupts.

Thunder roared as lana and lincoln heard a loud scream in the house, it was lola.

Lana: (laughs) just like that! What a riot, hahahaha!

Lincoln: (chuckles) yeah that is hilarious!

Lana: so how's the homework grounding going.

Lincoln: (groans) don't remind me, I managed to get the huge stack of homework done but more will still be coming for the next few days until my suspension is up.

Lana: well you'll get there. You know even though it scared me a bit, it was awesome that you beat the snot out of chandler.

Lincoln: least he's being transferred to another school so I won't have to put up with him again. (Sighs) if you, lucy and lisa haven't stopped me and omega from brutalizing chandler, we could of done something worse.

Lana pats him on the back.

Lana: it's okay big brother, we know that you and omega were angry at chandler for what he said about you and us. If it were me or rest of the sisters he insulted, we would of brutalized chandler nonstop.

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