Chapter 15: Battle against the Cyborgs

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The seven loud siblings were running through the neighborhood, taking short cuts to head downtown. Finally there, the seven loud siblings hid in a dark alley as they morphed into their symbiote suits before heading out to meet the threat. As they ran, the seven symbiote clad loud siblings saw the sheer damage throughout the city, people were running for their lives, damaged buildings, cars and fire were everywhere.

Omega lincoln: oh no...

Power lynn: it looks like an earthquake hit this place.

Echo luna: (growls) this is cybra's doing, I know it.

Speaking of whom, the female cyborg appeared out of the fire with a sadistic smirk on her face.

Cybra: well, well, well...if it isn't omega and echo...couldn't get enough of the beating I gave you two before?

Omega lincoln: you caught us off guard last time but we brought backup with us.

Cybra: oh that's great... (Smiles evilly) so did I....

Out of the fire, about 500 cyborg drones appeared everywhere and surrounding the seven symbiote clad loud siblings.

Omega lincoln: 500 cyborgs?!

Cybra: yep. Nothing like a cyborg army to cause some destruction and bring you guys here for a chaotic beating.

Power lynn: (gets into a fighting stance) if you think the numbers game is going to stop us from kicking your robotic butt then you're dead wrong!

Risk lana: yeah!

Cybra: (smiles sadisticly) okay then... cyborg soldiers...BRING ME THEIR SYMBIOTES AND SHOW NO MERCY!!!

The cyborg army charge forward towards the symbiote clad louds as they too charged towards the army of cyborgs.

A war broke out as the seven symbiote clad loud siblings were taking out cyborgs one by one but it was getting difficult and the numbers game was way too high.

Omega lincoln: (grunts in frustration) dang it!

Shadow lucy: sigh...! There's too many of them!

Omega lincoln: don't give up guys, we have to keep fighting or cybra will engulf the entire city in flames.

Risk lana: (punches a cyborg away) we're trying lincoln!

Power lynn slams two cyborgs to the ground but more cyborgs tried to gang up on her. With a loud yell, she sent them flying as she growled in irritation.

Power lynn: they're like cockroaches! No matter how many times I smash them, more of them keep coming!!!

Sync lisa: siblings! If we exterminate the head nucleus of this horde, the cyborgs will become obsolete!

Alpha lori: (slices a cyborg with her tendril blades) (yells in annoyance) IN ENGLISH LISA!!!

Sync lisa: (sighs) if we take out cybra, the cyborgs will stop being active, rendering them useless!

Echo luna: (shoots more incoming cyborgs with her sharp tendril needles) I'll stop her, she hurt someone I deeply cared about and almost hurt my bro lincoln, she's gonna pay!

Multiple tendril needles shot out of luna's body as she cleared a path for herself and sent a couple of cyborgs flying as she made her way toward cybra, who was standing on a damaged truck with a grin on her face.

Cybra: so here we are...just you and managed to damage my systems last time but I won't let it happen again.

Echo luna: (growls) when I'm done with you, you won't be able to put yourself back together again!!

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