Chapter 8: another day for training

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Morning came on the horizon as the scene cuts to the living room where the seven loud siblings were sleeping in after yesterday's battle at lynn's softball with the armored hitman, dread spike. Lincoln were the first to awaken, letting out a big yawn as he slowly got up out of the recliner, trying carefully not to wake up lucy. He went to the kitchen, opened up the fridge and got out a container of orange juice. He gets a glass cup, pours orange juice into it and drinks it up.

Lincoln: (lets out a tired yawn) what a crazy day yesterday.

Lucy: (spoke out of nowhere) good morning lincoln.

Lincoln: (scared) aaah! (Upset) lucy how many times do you have to scare me like-

Lincoln turns around to find lucy not behind him.

Lincoln: that...?

Lincoln then looks around the kitchen for lucy, he felt that she was in here with him but where?

Lucy: up here...

Lincoln then looks up to find the goth standing on the ceiling, upside down with her symbiote bat wings present, covering her body like an actual bat does when concealing itself or sleeping.

Lincoln: (whispering) lucy what are you doing up there?!

Lucy: testing out my powers... sigh... now I can finally sleep upside down on the ceiling like a vampire until nightfall approaches.

Lincoln: lucy you can't use your symbiote powers out in the open in our house. What if one of our sisters without a symbiote or our parents see you?

Lucy: don't worry lincoln, they won't find out. They can't even sense my presence so it won't be a problem.

Lincoln: okay then.

Lincoln and lucy heard a yawn as luna came into the kitchen.

Luna: (yawns) morning dudes.

Lincoln and lucy: good morning luna.

Luna: so did you guys sleep well.

Lincoln: yeah that sleepover was a good idea last night. I really needed that, thanks luna.

Luna: (smiles) glad you enjoyed it bro.

Lincoln: I'll make you guys some breakfast. How about some eggs and waffles and lucy I know you like your eggs extra well done.

Lucy: (forms a small smile on her face) thanks lincoln.

Luna: thanks bro.

Lincoln: no problem.

Lincoln got the eggs, butter, and oil out of the fridge and gets the waffles out of the freezer as he prepares for breakfast. Lynn and lana come into the kitchen.

Lynn: (smiles) morning you guys, something smells good.

Lincoln: good morning lynn and lana, you're just in time too. I'm making eggs and waffles and if you want, I could make bacon and sausage too.

Lana: (smiles) sweet thanks lincoln.

Lynn: I could go for extras.

Lincoln: okay. Is lori and lisa up yet?

Luna: yeah, lori's in the bathroom getting ready while lisa went to her room. Luan, leni, and lola are awake too but are waiting in the hallway for lori to come out of the bathroom.

Lincoln: oh... okay then.

Luna: you okay bro?

Lincoln: nothing's wrong luna it's just that... I want to thank you for cheering me up last night, I'm glad you helped me there.

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