Chapter 44: A Haunting in the Woods of Royal part 1

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Lincoln: Ronnie Anne.

Ronnie Anne: Hello Lame-O. Looks like we're gonna be spending summer with you guys.

Lincoln: Nice. Is it just you & Bobby? I know Bobby said not all of the Casagrandes could make it because they have plans of their own.

Ronnie Anne stepped aside as another person came out of the RV, revealing to be.... Carlota Casagrande!

Lori: Carlota!

Carlota: Lori, long time no see! It's good to see you and Lincoln too! I thought I'd accompany the cousins on the summer fun in royal woods and maybe pitch in some fashionable ideas for you in your & Bobby's celebration.

Lori: That'll be amazing!

The two girls squeal happily while Lincoln and Ronnie Anne roll their eyes with slight smirk.

Lincoln: So... Besides Bobby and Carlota,  Who else came here to spend summer with us?

Lincoln heard a bird call followed by a "Yoo hoo!", seeing Ronnie Anne's best friend, Sid Chang at the side door entrance of the RV.

Sid: Lincoln! Nice to see you, looks like we're spending summer together!

Lincoln: Nice to see you too, Sid! Glad you could to visit.

Ronnie Anne: I also brought my friends along for the ride.

In the RV, Lincoln sees Nikki, Casey, Sameer as well as three new faces waving at him. Lincoln recognized the fourth one as Laird during one of his and Ronnie Anne's video chats but didn't recognize the tall, brown haired boy and the short, blonde haired girl with the unibrow.

Lincoln: Who are those two?

Ronnie Anne: That's Artemis and Becky, new friends of ours, very cool and energetic. Becky was... kinda a savage, a hyper bully but she's changed her ways & is one of us.

Lincoln: Really?

Ronnie Anne: Long story. I'll tell you later.

Sid: My sister Adelaide is here too but she's at the vacation home we're staying at along with Ronnie Anne's mom.

Lincoln: Good to know.

Bobby: Well bro I'm glad you're happy to see us but your excitement level is about to go up higher because tomorrow, I'm inviting you to a camping trip in the woods!

Lincoln: Sweet! I would love to go!

Lori: Oh hohoho, trying to go all survivalist Bobby?

Bobby: (puts on sunglasses) Oh. Yeah.

Lori giggles while Ronnie Anne and Lincoln roll their eyes.

Bobby: Well we gotta go help Mom unpack in the vacation house.

Lori: Ok! Text ya later, Boo boo bear. Same to you Carlota.

Bobby: Text ya later Babe.

Carlota: Sure, Lori.

Bobby and Carlota head back in the RV.

Sid: See ya tomorrow in the great outdoors!

Ronnie Anne: See ya Linc.

Lincoln: Bye guys!

Ronnie Anne and Sid got in the RV and closed the door as Bobby drove off.

Lincoln: This is gonna be the start of a great summer.

Lori: I literally couldn't agree more.


During the video game activity, Lincoln, Stella, Clyde and Kyle were having a great time, Kyle was surprising dominating in these games but wasn't a showboat about it. Lincoln would tell them about Ronnie Anne and the others spending the summer with them in royal woods, Clyde was surprised yet happy for them, Stella and Kyle were glad as they would like to meet them. While they were playing, Omega and Scorpio were having a conversation amongst themselves, the anti-hero symbiote talking about how he slaughtered an entire gang of rogue mafia because the leader said he looked at him funny when walking off minding their own business & wanted him & Kyle killed. Omega herself explained that she and Lincoln once sensed another symbiote within an emo girl named Maggie and would keep an eye on her if she tries anything funny, Scorpio would also provide assistance in case.

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