Chapter 24: Luna abducted-A rescue mission and the employer revealed

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Slowly awakening from his unconscious state, lincoln arises from it as he looks to find himself in lynn and lucy's room on lucy's bed. He finds himself with his black shirt and hoodie off and covered in bandages. Lincoln then looks to see lynn and lana on lynn's bed with a few bandages on them. Lana was still asleep but lynn was awake with a depressed look on her face.

Lincoln: lynn....

Lynn's depressed look vanished as she saw her brother awake. Not saying a word, lynn hops off her bed, walks towards lincoln and pulls him into a tight hug. This confused lincoln as he heard lynn sobbing a little.

Lynn: (whispers) I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...

Lincoln: lynn? Why are you apologizing to me? You did nothing wrong.

Lynn broke the hug and looks at lincoln with teary eyes.

Lynn: no...she told me to take you and lana away from the battle...I didn't want to leave her there...

Lincoln: wait...are you talking about luna?

Lynn nodded.

Lincoln: where is she? Is luna alright?

Lynn say nothing as she looks away from lincoln.

Lincoln: (worried) lynn please tell me, is luna okay?

Lynn: I-I didn't want to leave her alone with him but she told m-me to get you and lana out of here...I managed to escape with you guys but...but...(finally breaks) DREAD SPIKE TOOK LUNA!

Lincoln's eyes widened in complete shock and terror as tears came down his face, looking at the floor.

Lincoln: (sobs) it can't be....

Lincoln sobs as lynn pulls him into a warm embrace.

Lori, lucy and ava come in.

Lori: I see you're both awake.

Lynn and lincoln broke the hug and look at lori, lucy and ava.

Lincoln: l-lori...

Lori: (gives a saddened look) I know... lynn filled me in on the whole situation when she woke up...

Lincoln: (sad) I just can't believe that luna is in the clutches of dread spike and his employer...why didn't-

Lucy: luna was only trying to protect you, lynn and lana. So she told lynn to take you and lana as far away as possible while she handles dread spike by herself...if lynn had stayed, all four of you would of been captured.

Lincoln and lynn look down in shame.

Lori: look...don't mope around and  blame yourself for luna being captured. Despite being a carefree rebel rockstar, luna really cares about you guys and like me, leni, and luan, she's your older sister and it's her job to protect you...she didn't want you to get hurt or captured.

Lincoln and lynn look at lori with a slight smile.

Ava: you guys feeling better?

Lynn: yeah...I've had worse injuries than this...I'll recover.

Lincoln: me too...but we have to find luna, I know that you'll tell us to rest to heal but I can't, who knows what dread spike and his employer are doing to her now as we speak.

Lisa: I'm way ahead you on that brother unit.

Lisa comes in with her laptop.

Lisa: though the armored hitman abducted the third oldest sibling, he did not account on the GPS tracking device I implanted in her neck, just like the rest of you.

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