10. The Interview

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A/N: Italic means they are speaking English and non-italic means Korean

You and Mark have been dating for six months and was asked to do an interview together. You were fine with is since the interviewer was Eric Nam who happens to be one of the first friends you met when you moved to Korea.

"So are you guys ready?" asked Eric.

You and Mark smiled and nodded.

"So you guys have been for about six months?"

"Yeah," you said.

"____, what is it like dating someone who is known around the world? Do you get a lot of hate?"

"Surprisingly not a lot. Mark and I get lots of support which makes it really happy."

"So let's start in the beginning. I heard you came from the States."

"Yes. East coast!"

"Mark, you're west coast?"

"LA!" said Mark, proudly.

"So I heard when you came to Korea, you didn't have a place to stay."

"100 percent true," you said. "I came to Korea without any plans what so ever."

"So how did you ended up living with Mark and the other GOT7 members?"

"I came across JYP himself. His car almost ran into me while I was crossing the street. He felt bad because when I fell, my leg was hurting so much. He took me a nearby coffee and we somehow ended up talking about my situation. He then offered me to stay with the GOT7 rookies for a while."

"Wow he is really a nice guy!"

"Yeah he is. He's like a dad I never had. And I really stand by that statement. He get's overly protective of me sometimes."

"That's true," said Mark. "When he found out ____ and I are dating, he started hunting me down."

"Yeah," you laughed. "I didn't do anything of course. It was just too funny."

"Jackson ended up helping me instead."

"____, what a great girlfriend," said Eric.

You laughed. "What can I say?"

"Now, what is it like living with your boyfriend and the other GOT7 members?"

"Crazy. Everyday is just beyond crazy. Each members have different personalities and it really shows when it's just them in one house."

"How so?"

"So people see JB oppa as the "mature" one and Jr oppa as the 'eomma' of the group, but truth is, they are all immature," you laughed.

"They are all immature, but who would you say is the most or least mature?"

You thought about it for a while. "I would say... Yugyeom is the last to be mature. After that is between BamBam and Jackson oppas. They both like to play around with me and the other memebers. Next would be... believe or not, Mark. Youngjae oppas would be next. JB and Jr oppas are the most mature. They are tied. Actually no! Maybe JB oppa is a little more mature. I mean he had to be since he's the leader. There are times when he has to be the strict mature one."

"So Mark, it's your turn to talk. You said you would never date someone who is the same age as your younger brother. What happened?"

Mark smiled. "____ stole my heart without a warning. I couldn't do anything so stop her."

"Aww!" you cried happily. "But yeah! You said you would never date anyone the same age as your brother!"

"Technically, you're not the same age. You're a 97liner and he's a 96liner."

"We're still both 18."

"Yeah, but he will be nineteen soon. You just turned 18. Either way, you're an exception."

"Aww!" you said again. You gave him a quick kiss on the check, causing him to put on a big smile.

"Okay ____! No more!" said Eric. "If you're going to kiss Mark, you will have to kiss me too!"

"Not going to happen!" Mark said right away.

You started to laugh. "Oppa, you're actually bringing Mark's jealously out!"

"I tend to do that," said Eric. "Especially with my looks. Guys always get jealous." He started doing some weird, funny poses.

"Okay oppa. Stop. Like... forever."

All three of you laughed and then went on with the interview.

"Okay ____," said Eric. "What kind of boyfriend would you say Mark is?"

You smiled. "He's always caring and he gets jealous real easily. Jackson usually brings out the jealously in him. He's always a great person to cuddle with. I love watching movies or dramas with him on the couch, cuddling. He's also really supportive and have lots of faith in me."

"Do he always listen to your orders?"

"Yeah! I think I wear the pants in the relationship," you laughed.

"No deny there," said Mark causing Eric to laugh.

"I am obsess with watch Korean dramas and Mark would sometimes come and watch it with me even though he don't really like to watch them. And he always get jealous with all the male characters because I'm usually fangirling about them."

"Mark, do you think the characters in the dramas are your competition?" asked Eric.

"No," said Mark. "It's just that... no guys act like that! No guy is that perfect."

"See?" you said. "This is why is see you as the character that never gets the girl."

Eric started laughing at Mark. "Mark, you need to step up your game!"

"You see," you said. "Mark can be romantic SOMETIMES, but most of the time he is just like okay whatever. I guess it's just hard on him, but truth is I've gotten used to it and don't mind. I still love him the way he is and don't want to change him."

You and Mark looked into each other eyes filled with love and smiling at each other.

"Okay viewers at home!" said Eric to the camera. "I don't know if you guys can see this, but they are really in love! They are really in love. Look at the way they look at each other. True love right here!"

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