53. Love and War: Part 2

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"Mark oppa," you smiled as you went to visit him during his break.

"Ah! ____!" He walked over to you. "What are you doing here?"

"I have a day off so I thought why not drop by and visit."

Mark smiled slowly weaken. "Well, I better get go back to work." He was about to walk away, but you grabbed his arm.

"Mark oppa!" you smiled. "I already talked to the director. He said GOT7 will be done for the music video shoot today. Let's go out and eat!"

"I can't. I have to go... somewhere. I'll see you around." Mark quickly stormed away.

You couldn't help but be upset. Mark was always happy to hang out, but what happened a few weeks ago changed the relationships between you two. You wish it didn't.

You decided to see how Joo hyuk is doing. When you arrived at set, everyone was starting to wrap up the set.

"Joo hyuk oppa!" you smiled and waved.

His smile was also weak like Mark's. "____," he said. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I would come and see how you're doing and if you want to go out and eat."

"I'm busy," he answered.

You were about to cry, but you held it in. "I see." But the tears betrayed you.

"____!? A-Are you crying!? Why!?" He placed a hand on your shoulder and tried to look at your crying face. "____!"

"I'm sorry." You were about to walk away, but Joohyuk grabbed your wrist and turned you around. He wrapped his arm around you and comfort you.

"____," said Joohyuk. "I'm sorry I made you cry. I didn't mean to. ____, I meant what I said before. I will make you happy. Be with me and you can live happily ever after. Stop crying and let me make you happy."

You didn't know what to do. You don't want to lose Joohyuk like you already lost Mark. Weak, you agreed.

Joohyuk smiled. "I love you."

Weeks soon went by and the word of you two dating got out. You also haven't seen Mark since the day Joohyuk and you started dating.

"____!" said Joohyuk as he wrapped his arms around you from behind. "I missed you." He placed a kiss on your cheek.

"I missed you too," you smiled. "Say Joohyuk oppa. Have you heard from Mark lately?"

"Why? He's probably busy. Let's just worry about us."

You can't help it. You miss Mark and you know you shouldn't but you can't help it. Mark and you had a longer history than what you have/had with Joohyuk. Mark was the first person you met when you came to Korea (besides JYP) and he was the first to make you feel at home.

"Oppa, maybe I should go look for him at work. He must be-"

Joohyuk quickly grabbed your wrist. "____, please don't go." His eyes looks so sad, but you had a feeling inside that you need to see Mark. You can't stop thinking about him.

"But I haven't see Mark in so long. I'm worried he might be-"

"____, please. Just don't go. Stay with me. W-We can go on another date!"

"How about later tonight? I'll be back soon."

You walked away, causing Joohyuk to have no choice but to let go. While you're in a rush to see Mark, Joohyuk watch you leave, heartbroken, knowing what is going to happen.

When you arrived at the music video set, Mark was taking his lunch break with the other GOT7 members. You smiled at everyone and everyone except Mark smiled back.

"Hi," you said.

"Noona!" smiled Yugyeom. "How are you?"

"It's been a while," said Youngjae.

"Y-Yeah... I have been-"

"Dating Joohyuk?" said BamBam. "We heard."

"Congratulations," said Jackson, knowing Mark is hurt right now, but you don't know.

"T-Thanks," you said. "C-Can we talk?" you asked Mark.

"I'm busy," he answered.

"Mark," said JB. "Go."

Mark sighed and walked out. You followed behind him.

"Oppa," you said. "How have you been?"

"Good," was all he said, not bother looking at you.

"I missed hanging out. Maybe we should-"

"What did you want to talk about?"

You were no hurt. Tears started to fall down your cheek as you fake a smile. "I-I... Well..." Nothing else would come out.

Mark looked up at you and finally noticed your tears. "____!"

"I-I'm s-sorry!" You wiped your tears repeatedly. "I-I d-didn't mean t-to-"

"____!" said Mark as he grabbed your hand and stop you from wiping your tears. He wiped them up himself and then pulled you in for a hug. "Don't cry ____. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry."

"Mark! I m-made a mistake! I love you!"

"What!?" he asked suprised. ____, do you know what you're saying? This is serious!"

"I know and I love you. When I'm with Joohyuk oppa, I can't stop thinking about you. I turned down a date with him to come to you. He told me not to go to you but I still left to find you."

"How do I know you won't miss him when you're with me?"

"Because I'm with you now and I am still thinking about you."

Mark walked over and placed a hand on your cheek. "____," he said, looking into your eyes.

You placed a hand over his hand. "I love you."

Mark leaned in and kissed you, slowly pulling you closer to him.

You can't help but me so happy right now. This feels so right. This feels like home.

"Oppa," you softly said, your lips only a few inches from his. "Do you love me?"

"Of course I love you," he said with his voice barely wanting to come out. "If I didn't, would I kiss you like this?" He leaned in and kissed you again.

"____?" said a familiar voice.

You quickly moved away from Mark and turned around to see Joohyuk standing there, hearbroken. "Joohyuk Oppa!" you cried, surpised. "I-"

"I understand," he said sadly. "From the beginning, you never loved me. It was always Mark. No matter what I do, I'm always one step behind Mark."

"Joohyuk oppa..."

"Be happy ____. Mark hyung, take good care of her. ____, I'm letting you go and hyung, I'm giving her to you, so you guys better be happy or I will come after the both of you!" You could tell Joohyuk wanted to cry, but he tried to stay strong.

"Oppa," you smiled at him. "Thank you." You walked over and hugged him. "Thank you oppa."

You stepped back and watched as Joohyuk walked away, knowing he is probably going to go somewhere and cry.

"____," said Mark. "Do you want to go back to Joohyuk?"

"I want to be with you," you said to Mark.

He pulled you in for a hug. He then placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. "I love you."

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