Korea!: Part 2

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Thank you lamchopx and princessmal04 for asking how was my trip :) So this is for those who are interested in my trip to Korea :)

Korea was AMAZING! I didn't want to leave. It was better than what I had expected. There's always so much to do. I remember leaving early in the morning and coming back late every night. And the food are so good! And the people are so nice! I met so many people who helped me a lot on my trip.

I got a chance to experience what it's like being on a college campus in Korea and it's so lively. Music playing everywhere and dancers just dancing. Of course, I don't know if it's like that every day, but it was still fun. Met some friends there who I hope I can meet again when I go back.

I got a chance to visit the palace where Kim Soo-hyun was filming for "Moon Embracing the Sun". If you haven't watched that drama, I highly suggest you watch it. It's in my top five favorite drama of all times. The palace was SO beautiful and SO cool! Plus if felt great knowing I walked the same ground Kim Soo-hyun walked hehe!

I also go a chance to visit YG, SM (even though I'm not a huge fan), and JYP Entertainment companies:

YG was in low key and blended in with its surroundings, but the building itself was cool. Across the street from the building was another building where fans write messages to their favorite YG idols. It was cool. Many of the messages were so sweet.

SM was cool too. IDK what to say about it, sorry. I mean the building was cool looking too. To be honest, I was walking around and just ended up finding it lol! And I think this can happen to you because when you walk around Seoul or Korea, you end up finding things you wouldn't expect to find and it's just amazing. At least for me haha! I got lost many times, but I enjoyed it because getting lost lead me to getting a real taste of Korea.

JYP Entertainment... my FAVORITE! JYP nim got all of the artists under his company printed big on his building. I was so happy to see the building because just by looking at it, you can tell JYP nim is proud of his kids :D And I just love it so much!

To get to places I had to take subway and bus (mostly subway) but it was so easy! I feel like the way Korea run their subway (in my opinion) is way easier than where I'm from. And it does get crowded in the subway. I am the type of person who does not like to sit on the subway because I always think there is someone who may need that empty seat more than I do, so I just stand. But this one harabuhji (grandpa) saw I was struggling to stand (not used to standing on moving vehicles XD) and he gave his seat to me even though I told him it was okay. He ended up pushing me into his seat after almost struggling to get off the seat himself. And before he left one stop later,  he wished me luck in life and walked put the subway doors.

I got a chance to practice my Korean which was great! I was surprised I was able to get across what I wanted to say with the few Korean words I know lol! But still, I feel like I know a lot more Korean, being in the country and merging myself into the culture. When I came back, I still do those little things I would do in Korea and is normal there but not here in the States. For example, bowing when saying thank you or anything polite situation, handing things to people with both hands or with my right hand and left touching the right elbow, placing my utensil on the table and not in my plate/bowl, or other little things along those lines of politeness in Korea.

To be honest, I never thought going to Korea would change me. And I'm not trying to be dramatic or anything, but I really do see myself changing and when I came home, my friends and family saw it too. I see the world differently and it was just life changing for me going to Korea, even if it was just for a week. I know some of you are probably wondering how one week can change someone. It's such a short time. But it did. I felt safe to open up in Korea. If felt like it was okay to be who I am and more when I'm there. I don't feel judged or insecure. I came back bringing the confident I had with me in Korea back in the States.

Korea is an amazing and beautiful place and I can't say that enough. I highly suggest you visit Korea, at least once in your lifetime. I've heard many people who have always wanted to go to Korea and went there but was disappointed. To be honest, I think that depends on yourself. Everyone is different. My experience there was a life changing experience but it may not be for everyone. I still suggest you go visit Korea because you will never know unless you go there for yourself. Try to be  open to the culture and let the culture pull you in, even if it's not normal for you as someone from another country.

If you guys still have more questions about Korea or just want to chat, go ahead and comment down below. I'll try to find time to reply :)

Love you guys! And thanks for reading my stories.


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