70. Ending

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"Okay," said Mark. "If that's what you want. If that's what will make you happy."

That's it? You don't know what you want right now, but you do know, you were hoping he would say more. Anything. Just anything and that might change everything right now.

"Will you be happy?"

"I thought after three years, you would know what makes me happy?" you said.

He avoided your eyes. "I do know. But I want to hear it coming from your mouth."

"For proof? Because you know that when I say it, you'll be able to hear the li-"

"Just be happy," he interrupted. "I know how I made you felt and it was a rollercoaster ride for you. I get that!" he raised his voice.

"A-Are you mad at me?"


"Well it sure does sound like it. You have no right to be mad? If anything, I should be mad at you!"

"Yeah! Okay! Be mad at me because it's obvious I'm the one who wants to end things and not try to make this work!"

"You're the one who wasn't trying in the first place! I tried so hard almost every day! How long do you think I could last when only one of us is trying!? And if you don't want things to end, why did you say 'okay'!?"

"Because you wanted it! Don't you know me by now!? All I want is for you to be happy!"

"And you think calling it off is going to make me happy?"

"Well it's obvious being with me is not making you happy!"

"Try God damn it! Just try to make this work and that would have been enough!"

Tears fell from your eyes as you wonder how it came to his.

* * *


"____, meet my friend, Mark Tuan," said your best friend, V from BTS.

"Hi," you smiled at Mark.

"Hi," he smiled back as you guys shook hands and continued to shake as you got lost into each other's eyes.

Your two couldn't keep your eyes off each other. After spending the whole day with each other, you and Mark exchanged numbers. Hundreds of text messaging each other turn into hundreds of late night phone calls. With every word and laugh with each other, the closer you guys grew.

A year past and Mark asked you on your first date. He took you to the aquarium, bought your lunch, walked around the park. The two of you played little pranks on each other, like pretending to push one of the other into the river. Or when Mark put a stick on your head and made you believe it was a bug. Sounds mean, but for you and Mark, it was a really beautiful, romantic day. By the end of the day, you two were holding hands.

A year after that, you guys started seeing each other almost every day. But soon you realized Mark was getting busy with work. He had to record, he had concerts. Seeing him every day turned into seeing him at least twice a month.

The third year together, and you no longer see him. It's been four months and rarely any phone calls or text message. At first, you understood it was his job, but the less you see him, the more you go back to hanging out with your old friends; BTS, ASTRO, INFINITE, Amber and more.

You notice more articles started to appear about you with other guy idols, creating rumors.

* * *

After months of barely any contact, Mark called to meet up. And here we are. He read the rumors and came, not to see you, but to confront you about the rumors.

"Believe me or not, but I did try," said Mark. "Imagine how I felt with every article I've read about you."

"You can't pull that on me! I've read more rumors about you and other girls to last a lifetime! And I don't come to see you after months to just confront you about something as stupid as a damn rumor! But I get it. Dating someone like me is hard to do because how can you trust a girl who's not an idol?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Dating someone who have no fame! How can you trust a person like that. For all you know, she could be using you."

"I don't see that way!"

"Then why don't you trust me!? For months, I've missed you so much. And when you finally contacted me... to see me, I was so happy. But you only came to confront me about a stupid rumor involving me and another guy!"

Mark tears finally fell from his eyes. "You're right," he said, getting choked up in his words. "It's my fault." He reached into his pocket and grabbed your hand. He placed something small in your left hand. "I got it for you and... well, it's for you. You can do whatever you want with it. I don't really need it." And that was it, he walked away, the two of you crying.

You opened your hand to find an engagement ring. He was going to propose. But it's over now. Weird how you two love each other, but it still ended like this.

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