71. Closing the Distance

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You waited with your best friend at the airport gate. You met a guy online 3 years ago and after 1 years of dating, you two are finally going to meet face to face. The thing is, you don't know how your boyfriend looks like. You guys met online and started texting each other and wondering how each other look like never came up because you guys were so into talking to each other.

You were getting nervous as you started to see people walking out. The sign in your hands that reads "MARK" (don't know his last name), was shaking along with your hands. You didn't know who to look for, so you waited until someone came up to you.

Finally, someone in a snapback and sunglasses walked over to you, holding a sign with your name on it. You dropped the sign in your hands and over to your boyfriend, embracing him for the first time. He lift you off your feet as he hugged you and walked to the side, getting out of people's way.

You started to cry and not let go as you felt his arms wrapped around you and his face buried in his neck. You've waited so long to meet him and it's finally coming true.

"Um... ____?" said your best friend. "You might want to see who your boyfriend is."

You were confused and leaned back a little bit, your arms still wrapped around his neck. With one hand still wrapped around your waist, he used his other hand to remove his snapback and sunglass.

You could not believe it. Your boyfriend Mark, is actually Mark Tuan from GOT7. You could not believe the funny, cute, sensitive you have been talking to all this time was actually Mark Tuan from GOT7. Not being able to believe it, stepped away from Mark and covered your mouth with your hands. Mark stood there and gave you a nervous smile, hoping being Mark from GOT7 wasn't going to change anything. You looked at Mark, standing in front of you.

"You-?" the words could barely come out of your mouth. You ran back into his arms. "I can't believe all this time we have been talking and dating, I knew of you already. You were with me all this time!"

"I was really happy when you said GOT7's song gave you confidence," said Mark. "You talked about how important Just Right is an important song to you. Without knowing, you already liked me for who I am. You liked me as Mark from GOT7 and Mark Tuan from LA. Thank you."

You looked at Mark's face and cried. He slowly wiped away your tears and smile.

"I can't believe it," you said. "We're finally here... together... on the same side of the world."

He gently kissed your head and you once again pulled him in for another hug.

"____," laughed your best friend. "We have to start driving back. Let go of your boyfriend and let him breathe."

"I don't want to," you said, mumbling into Mark's neck.

Mark laughed. "Don't worry. I won't let you go."

He lift you off your feet and pressed his lips on you. At that moment, everything feels just right. Shy, you looked down to hide your face, but Mark used one hand to pick up your chin and kissed you again.

You and Mark spent a whole week with each other, not leaving each other's side. You guys stuck together like glue. If felt the week went by so fast because already, Mark have to go back to Korea.

You guys held each other tightly one last time before Mark had to get on the plane and it will be back to months or years of not seeing each other. You didn't want to leave and Mark didn't want to leave your side.

"I love you," said Mark. "I'll try to come back as soon as possible."

"You better," you said.

Mark laughed. "Of course."

You let Mark go. At the gate, he turned around one last time and smiled at you before disappearing onto the plane.

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