46. Operation Boyfriend-Girlfriend

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You are meeting Mark's family for the first time. Because GOT7 is staying at Mark's house for the concert in LA, you are staying with them.

Because you usually live the GOT7 members, you have to follow them around. But, thanks to GOT7, you get to travel the world and sometimes preform on stage with them.

You greeted Mark's family for the first time and they seem to like you. You guys went out back and had a bbq. You laughed a lot with his family. You and Joey, Mark's brother got along fast.

You went up to Mark and whispered to him. "Your brother is cute."

Mark's smile went away. "He has a girlfriend!" he said jealously.

You smacked the back of his head. "Pabo!"


"Its not like I want to date your brother!"

"Well it sound like it!"

"Aish! You make me so mad some times!" You quickly stormed away.

A girl walked over with Joey.

"Andrea," said Joey. "This is ____. She's a close friend of GOT7."

You guys smiled at each other. "Hi," the two of you said to each other as you guys shook hands.

"It's nice to meet you," said Andrea. "I've seen some of your videos on YouTube. You have an amazing voice."

"Thank you," you smiled.

Right away, you and Andrea got along and became friends.

Yugyeom came over while you were having a good chat with Andrea. "Noona," he said. "Mark said you yelled him."

"Is he a baby!?" you said as you let out a loud sign.

"He said you should yell at him like that and now he's upset."

"Is everything okay?" asked Andrea.

"Yeah! Everything is fine. It's just Mark acting like a baby. I'm sorry. I'll be back." You followed Yugyeom to Mark who was sitting in the chair pouting.

"Yah," you said while kicking his chair. When he didn't answer, you did it again. "Yah!"

He slowly looked up at you.

"You're such a baby! Get up!" You started pulling his arm, trying to get him to get up. Your hand somehow slipped and you fell back and into the pool.

You heard Mark laughing and right away, you played a prank on him. You were pretending you were drowning. "H-Help! I... can't... swim!"

"____!" he cried and jumped into the water to try and save you, but when he got to you, you quickly jumped and push his head down in the water.

Somehow everything ended up with you and Mark splashing water at each other and laughing plus yelling at each other. No one around could tell of you were mad at each other or just having fun.

When you guys finally got out of the water, Mr. Tuan and Mrs. Tuan handed you guys a towel.

Tammy (Mark's sister), Andrea, and Joey walked over to you, laughing a little.

"Wow!" said Joey. "I've never seen Mark like that."

"Looks like you guys were having fun," said Tammy.

"You know?" whispered Andrea so only the three of us could hear. "You and Mark would make a great couple!"

"No way!" you cried right away. "We argue way to much. Lately, he has been really sensitive to things I say."

"Like what?"

"I called Joey cute and he got mad!"

"He likes you!" cried Andrea excitingly.


"He was jealous! Oh my god! You guys are going the be the perfect couple!"

"I think you are moving ahead too fast. I don't see how Mark could possibly like me. GOT7 members always see me as their little... or older sister."

"Do you get that vibe from Mark?" asked Tammy.

"I don't know."

"I know my brother," said Joey. "And I think he likes you."


"If he did, would you date him?" asked Andrea.

"I don't know. Maybe? I mean... he's an amazing guy... behind all the mood swings lately..."

"Tammy,Andrea, and I got this! Operation Boyfriend-Girlfriend!" said Joey excitingly.

Suddenly Mark walked over before you could deny Joey's plan and everyone became silent.

"____," sais Mark. Without a warning, Mark placed both hands on your cheek and kissed you.

You could hear Joey a little mad in the background. "Damn! We didn't start it soon enough!"

Mark placed his forehead against yours and smile. "In case you catch a cold, you can give it to me."

The two of you smiled at each other, blushing.

The next day, Mark caught a cold...

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