40. The Tuan Family

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You are planning on meeting Mark's family for the first time and you're nervous. You got off the car with Mark in front of his house in L.A. You walked behind Mark, beyond nervous.

"It will be okay," said Mark.

"This is your family I'm meeting," you said. "I'm so nervous! What if they don't like me!?"

"They will! How could they not?"

"Mark!" you heard a man and woman said.

Mark ran over to hug his mom and dad. You stood there, looking at his mom and dad and one of his sisters hugging him.

"Who's this?" asked his older sister, Tammy.

Mark smiled and walked over to me. He grabbed my hand. "Meet my girlfriend, ____," he smiled.

"H-Hello," you smiled nervously.

It got quiet for a second but then Mark's dad walked over and smiled. "It's nice to meet you! Come in! Let's eat."

"Thank you."

Everyone walked on. Mark sat next to his dad and in front of his mom. You sat down next to Mark and in front of Tammy.

"Wau!" you cried. "So many food! They all look so good!"

"Go on ahead," smiled Mark's mom. "Dig in."

"Thank you!"

We all started eating.

"So ____," said Mr. Tuan. "What's your nationality?"

"I'm half Chinese and half Cambodian," you said.

"You know and understand Chinese and Cambodian?"

"I know a little bit of Cambodian and I can understand a little, but as for Chinese, I used too when I lived with my dad, but not anymore."

"You're mix," said Mrs. Tuan. "You look really beautiful."

"Thank you," you smiled shyly.

After dinner, Mark's little brother, Joey, came home. We got introduced to each other and we started to get along.  It was family game night. In order to pick teams, we had to play rock paper scissor. Winner picks. It was bette you and Joey. You guys keep playing and it keeps turning into a tie.

You guys laughed a lot. "Okay, how about we just become partners?"

Joey and you high five. "I like that idea," he said.

"But I want to be ____'s partner!" said Mark.

"We're always partner," you said.

Mark was disappointed, but we continued to play the game. He partnered with Tammy who at this point you feel does not like you.

The game went on it there were lots of laugh. The bell suddenly rang.

"She's here!" smiled Tammy.

"Who's here?" asked Mrs. Tuan.

"It's family game night," said Mr. Tuan.

"But she is family."

You were hoping it was Mark's other sister Grace, but instead, walked in a beautiful girl. You guessed it. It was Jessica.

Tammy gave Jessica a hug.

"Jessica!" said Mr. Tuan. He gave her a hug and so did Mrs. Tuan.

"Mark!" cried Jessica.

You was about to reach for Mark's hand, but he walked away and gave Jessica a hug. That hurt you a little but you let it go.

"I didn't even know you were back from Korea!" said Jessica. "I'm missed you so much!"

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