69. He's Here

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You wiped the rest of your tears as you hear the sound of crying. The doctor placed your newborn baby boy in your arms after you sat up. You look at your little boy in your arms, no longer crying. The door suddenly side opened and at the door, out of breath was Mark.

You smiled at Mark, crying happy tears. "He's here," you said.

Mark walked over to you and your newborn baby. Little tears fell from his eyes as he looked at his first son for the first time.

You looked at your little boy. "Y/S/N (your son's name), look. Your daddy made it."

Mark placed a kiss on your forehead and wrapped an arm around your shoulders and placed his other hand on your son. "Good job, ____." He looked at Jackson, JB, and Junior who was with you throughout the whole time you were in labor. Mark walked over and hugged all three. "Thank you so much for being here where I couldn't," said Mark as more happy tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Mark," you said. "Do you want to hold him?"

It felt as if Mark hesitated at first, but then he slowly walked over. You gently gave your son to Mark to hold. Mark couldn't help but have a huge smile on his face as he cried happy tears. You smiled at the beautiful sight. The sight that shows the three of you are now a family.

Mark looked at you, smiling and you smiled back. "He's here," said Mark, his voice choked up.

You nodded as Mark walked over and sat on the side of the bed while holding your son.

"Hey Y/S/N," Mark said to your son. "It's me. Your daddy. And look. Your mommy is right here."

"Y/S/N," you said to the baby. "Your daddy is here."

"____, thank you."

"For what?"

"For saying yes when I asked you to be my girlfriend. For going on dates with me and putting up with my nonromantic gestures. For introducing me to your family so I got a chance to know more about you, and for wanting to get to know me. For making me the happiest man a love to be loved by you. For going through labor safely without any harm to you or our son. And for giving me a family. I love you."

Tears fell from your eyes. "I love you too."

Mark leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. Mark gave you back the baby and placed his arms around your shoulder once again. You placed your head on his shoulder and the three of your stayed close for hours, smiling, crying, and laughing like a family.

A/N: Sorry for it being really short. I have an essay i have to write, but first I wanted to get this idea out of the way. But anyway, if you guys were to have a baby boy with Mark, what would you name the baby? I'm really curious :) Leave the names in the comments section :)

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