32. Forbidden

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"No!" yelled your mom.

"Eomma!" you cried.

"Please!" cried Mark.

"I agree with her!" said PD-nim. "Mark, stay away from ____!"

"That's not fair! Why!?"

You ran over to be in Mark's arm, but before you could get to him, your mom pulled you away.

"____!" cried Mark as he gets pulled away by PD-nim.

"Mark!" you cried as you and Mark get seperate. Your mom kept you in your room with the doors lock.

"____, you have to understand," said your mom through the other side of the door. "I'm doing this to protect you." You heard her walk away. You laid in bed, crying. Suddenly, you heard something hit your window multiple times. You ran over and opened it. It was Mark!

He started to climb up a nearby tree and came in true the window.

"Mark!" you whispered as you hugged him tightly.

He hugged you back tighter. "____, don't worry."

"I thought we were never going to see each other again!"

"What did I told you before if we where to get seperated?"

You started to smile. "You'll come for me, snow, rain, or even if the world is ending. You'll look for me."

"And I meant that." He placed his gentle, soft lips on yours. "I love you, ____."

"I love you too, Mark."

"Then runaway with me."


"Let's go someplace where can just be us and we don't have to worry about anyone stopping us. Let's throw away our cell phones and electronics. Just you and me."

"What about GOT7? And our family?"

"I can't stay in GOT7 if I can't be with you. You're the reason why I wanted to stay. I feel bad for the guys, but I love you. And as for our family, we obviously can't tell your mom, but for my parents, I'll call them before we leave. So what do you say? Runaway with me?"

You thought about it before nodding yes.

Mark grabbed your left hand and put a ring on your ring finger. "Let's stay together forever, okay?"

You nodded and smiled.

That midnight, you and Mark left your houses. You guys traveled far, walking along highways and woods. The sun was already starting to rise and not once as he let go of your hand.

The two of you arrived in a little village and decided to settle there for a while.

Two years later and you guys have a place of your own in the little village. You and Mark are living happily. It was not the life you two had before, but being with each other, nothing else matters. You guys even have a little, one year old boy named Min-hyuk.

One day while feeding your boy and Mark was washing the clothes outside, you were suprised to see 8 people you haven't seen in two years - GOT7, PD-nim, and your mom, all with smiles on their faces.

Mark stepped in front if you and your son.

"Relax," said PD-nim. "We're not here to take you back. We're here to congratulate you."

"What do you mean?" you asked.

They all sat down as we talked.

"Mark, I saw you bought the ring," sais PD-nim. "I thought you guys were moving too fast, so I decided to test your love. I wanted to see how far you would go for ____. I knew something like runaway is something you would do, so I've been watching you guys for two years to see if running away was worth it all for you guys. It looks like it was because you guys are still together. I didn't even think you guys would have a child." PD-nim smiled at Min-hyuk who was a little shy.

You held Min-hyuk close and Mark spoke up, saying, "We love each other. Yeah we're young, but we truly love each other."

"I know that," sais PD-nim. "So come home. I'll find a nice place for the three of you and Mark, come back to GOT7.

"We missed you," smiled JB.

You and Mark looked at each other. You were no longer thinking about you two. You guys now have Min-hyuk and have to think about what's best for him.

"Let's go home, Mark," you smiled at him as he smiled back and hold your hand.

You guys packed up and when back to the life you had before, except this time, you guys are happier than before.

Days With Mark Tuan (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now