97. Showing Off

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You off stage and with your group members, you headed to your next schedule. Photo shoot. You and your other six group members got ready for the photo shoot. You wore jean shorts and a Laker sweater crop top with Jordans.

"Wow!" said member 1. "Look at you!"

You winked. "I look cute, right?"

Member 2 poked your belly button. "What do you think Mark sunbae is going to do when he sees this?"

"I'm sure he won't care. It's Mark we're talking about."

"____, you're up," said the 21 year old photographer, David who happens to be two years older than you--the youngest photographer you've meet since you came into the entertainment world.

You walked over to the white backdrop and started to do random poses. Every time you lift up your arms, your crop top raised up higher, showing more of your body. You first spread your arms out and up. You then continue to keep your arms up, but you moved your hands to the back of your head and tried your best to look cute.

In the corner of your eyes, you see Mark storming over with his sweater and he quickly covered you up.

"Mark!" you cried. "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing!?" he cried. "You're showing too much skin!"

"Uhm... I'm wearing a crop top."

"It should be longer!"

"Excuse me," said David. "I'm sorry, but I need you to step back."

"Not until she change her clothes," said Mark.

"Look, I know you're big and all being in GOT7, but not here. This is my workplace so I suggest you let me do my job beacuse I don't go to your workplace and tell you how to do yours."

Mark was getting really mad as he tried to hold it in.

"Mark, I'm just wearing a crop top," I said. "Many girls wear it these days and it's normal."

"But you're not just any girl!" He grabbed your wrist. "You're going to change your clothes." He started to pull you away but David grabbed your other wrist.

"What do you think you're doing?" said David. "I'm working here!"

"She's my girlfriend!" said Mark.

"Yeah! You're her boyfriend, not her dad!"

"Stay out of this!"

"I should be saying that do you," said David as he let go of your wrist and pushed Mark.

Mark let go of your wrist and you stepped back. Mark pushed David which doesn't seem like something he would do. Mark and David started fighting after a couple of pushes back and forth. You tried stopping them, but they wouldn't listen. Your members pulled you away from the two fighting.

David threw in one last punch before getting pulled away from Mark. You noticed blood on Mark's lips and quickly ran over to him.

"Mark!" you said, worried.

Mark wiped the blood away. You grabbed Mark's hand and pulled him away. You two sat down and you wiped his blood off of him.

"Mark, what are you doing?" you said. "Look at you!"

He grabbed your hand to stop you from continuing to wipe his lips. "I don't like guys looking at you. And the photographer was really inappropriate the way he was looking at you."

"I'm sorry. You got hurt because of me."

"I'm sorry I got overly jealous."

You placed your hand on Mark's cheek and smiled. Mark returned the smile as leaned in and kissed you. He quickly pulled away in pain when you accidenly touched his bruise with your lips.

"Sorry!" you said, feeling bad.

He smiled again. "It's okay. This pain is nothing compare to losing you."

"Ew. You're so cliche," you laughed as you continued to kiss Mark.

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