20. Brother V.S. Mark

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"You cheated on my sister!?" yelled your brother, Evan as he swing a punch at Mark's face.

"I didn't do anything wrong!" yelled Mark. "I didn't cheat on her!"

Evan grabbed Mark by his neck shirt and pushed him against the wall. "My baby sister means the world to me! You hurt her, I kill you!"

"I didn't do anything! Whoever told you this was a lie!"

Once again, Evan punched Mark. "I saw it with my own eyes!"

"I was set up! I would never hurt ____! Why would I do that to her when I was going to ask her to marry me!"

Evan punched Mark. "After what you did, you think I'm going to allow you to marry my sister!? Besides, she's only 20 years old!"

Finally you arrived. You saw what Evan was doing to Mark.

"Oppa!" you cried, pulling him away from Mark.

"____! This guy cheated on you!" yelled your brother.

"I know. But he's not worth it."

"____, I didn't cheat on you!" cried Mark. "Saranghae! ____, saranghae!"

You rolled your eyes. "Save it."


"Evan, let's go!"

We started to walk away, but then Mark grabbed my arm. Evan punched him and Mark fell on the ground.

"Evan!" you cried as you kneel down beside Mark, hoping he was okay.

Your brother grabbed your arm and pulled you away from Mark before you could check to make sure he was okay. "Leave my sister alone!" He started to walk away, pulling you with him.

"____!" you heard Mark called out. "Saranghae! I was going to ask you to marry! Why would I cheat on you!? I even brought a ring! I-It's in my pocket right now! Please believe me! I love you! Saranghae!"

"M-Marry?" you said, turning around to look at Mark.

"Yes! I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"____! Don't listen to him!"

"No! Listen to me! ___, I would never hurt you! I love you so much! I know you're only 20 and you have a long way to go before marriage, but I want to take care of you. I want you to be mine as soon as possible."

"I love you, Mark. Or at least I did! You cheated on me!" You started to cry. "How could you?"

"I was framed! I would never hurt you! I can't because I love you!"

You don't know what to believe now. You love Mark so much. You've been dating him since you were 17 and all you've done is trust him. But what now? It's between trusting my brother or trusting Mark. But what to do? I'm so weak? I'm in love with Mark. I don't want to lose him.

"I'll walk a thousand miles or cross desert just to prove my love. I'm willing to serve a hundred kings and feed a thousand hungry lions if it means you will forgive me. I would do anything. I don't want to lose you."

"Then quit GOT7," said Evan.

You turned to him. "Evan!" You turn to Mark. "No!"

"If it means I can stay by ____'s side, I am willing to give up my dreams, because ____ is my bigger dream."

You couldn't take it anymore. You ran into his arms. "I hate you!" you cried, hugging him tighter.

"I love you too," said Mark, hugging me back.

"____!" cried Evan.

You turned to Evan. "I know. He hurt me but like you've always said. I'm not the smartest person when it comes to these things, so I'm going to make the stupid decision. I'm going to stay by Mark's side."

"You're just going to belive his words!?"

"I love him." You turned to Mark. "I love you."

He smiled. "I love you too." He pulled you close and press his lips on yours.

"____!" you heard a familiar voice. It was Mark's brother Joey. "I have proof Mark wasn't cheating on you!"

He showed me a video of a girl forcing herself on Mark.

You looked up at Mark.

"I would never hurt you. even if the world depend on it," said Mark. "So you'll forgive me?"

You smiled. "I'll do better."



"I'm confuse."

"Yes, I'll marry you."

Mark picked u up ask spin you around happily. He kissed you again.

"I'm sorry I doubted you."

"I'm sorry I hurt you."

"It wasn't ur fault."

"But still."

"____," said Evan. "I don't care if Mark really betrayed you or not. He's apart of GOT7. You'll always get hurt. He has an army of fans who will destroy you."

"I love Mark," you said.

"Please," said Mark. "I love your sister and I will make sure no one hurt her."

Evan let out a loud sigh and said____.

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