83. Debut Interview

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A/N: I don't feel like making up new names so I'm just going to number them lol! Feel free to create names for each members if you want :)

You were at your interview. You sat down with four of your other members.

It is already half way through the interview and you're still really nervous.

"So it's time to focus on ____," said the interviewer. "____, are you the maknae?"

"No," you said nervously as you smiled to the camera to show off your bright personality. "I'm actually the middle."


"Yes. I'm 1997."

"Wow! You look like the maknae! Then who is the maknae?"

"Member 4."

"Ahh! Wow! So ____. You are the middle. How tall are you?"


"We have to ask. How tall go you like guys?"

"Um... at least 184cm?"

"Wait, wait!" He let out a little chuckle. "184? Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"I do."

"Isn't it Mark?"

"Yes," you blushed.

"Isn't he 175cm?" He laughed so more along with the other members.

You laughed a little too. "Yes, but... I can't really change that."

"Yes you can. Break up with him." He looked at the camera. "Mark! You're not 184! ____ is dumping you. Go grow 9cm if you really love her!"

Everyone started laughing.

"I'm fine with Mark's height," you said. "I think he's fine the way he is."

"Just fine? Not even good?" joked the interviewer.

"He's perfect!" you laughed.

"Wow! You're too nice! If I were you, I would be like, 'Mark, go away! You're not 184cm!'"

You laughed along with everyone else. "____ and Mark sunbae are too nice of a couple!" said Member 1. "They are always so sweet to each other."

"It's like they're in the honeymoon stage 24/7," said Member 3.

"Every night we hear them on the phone, they call each other and just hearing th talk make me cringe."

"They're too sweet to each other," said Member 4.

Two of your members started acting out you and Mark.

"Mark oppa!" said Member 1, pretending to be you. "You make me so happy!"

"You make me happy too," said Member 3, playing as Mark. "Baby, how about I cook for you tonight? A romantic dinner."

"Really!? What will you cook?"


Everyone laughed.

"Ramyeon!?" laughed the interviewer.

"This was their actual conversation just yesterday!" said Member 1.

"They really do act this way," said Member 4.

"They don't ever argue," said Member 2.

"Really!?" said the interviewer. "Never!?"


"Only argues who love the other more," said Member 1.

"Is that even healthy?" joked the interviewer. "Don't you guys have to argue at some point to become closer and get to know each other more?"

Everyone laughed.

"Mark and _____ treat each other so well, there's never any room for arguing," said Member 2.

"Wow! You guys must be the golden couple," said the interviewer.

"No way!" You said, embarrassed about talking about your relationship with Mark. You didn't mind. You just get so happy and embarrassed thinking about Mark beacuse he's so amazing.

"____, is everything the members are saying true? Are you and Mark like this?"

"I don't know," you answered. "Maybe?"

"Okay describe what you like in a guy."

"I guess someone who is caring and sweet. Someone fun to be around. Always outgoing. Someone I can be weird with. Someone I can talk a lot with. Some who's-"

"Someone who's tall," inturpted the interviewer. "You're basically naming everything opposite of Mark! Except caring and sweet."

Everyone laughed some more.

"Mark! You're not ____'s type! And you're not 184cm! She is deciding to break up with you and date Zelo!"

You started laughing some more along with everyone else. "Actually, Mark can be outgoing if he tries. And he can be weird, but only with Jackson oppa."

"Not you?"

"Yes. Not me. Only Jackson oppa. I think it takes a really, highly energetic person to pull Mark out and Jackson oppa is more energetic than me."

"That's true," said Member 1.

"I think Jackson sunbae usually turn down his energy when on camera," said Member 2. "But off camera, he's over the roof."

"So what I'm hearing is, Mark should just go date Jackson," joked the interviewer. "And ____, you go date Zelo."

Everyone laughed.

The interview went on and the interviewer continue to joke around with you and your relationship with Mark.

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