50. Grocery Shopping With The Future Mother-In-Law

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You walked downstairs and saw your boyfriend Mark sitting on the couch. You were confused.

"Mark?" you said, raising an eye brow. "What are you doing here? Do we have a date I forgot about... again?"

"No," answered Mark. "Your mom called me over."

"My mom? Why?"

Your mom came down. "Oh ____!" she said. "I'm going to the grocery store."

"Why did you ask Mark to come over?"

"I need him to drive me there and carry the bags."

"Eomma! He's my boyfriend, not your butler!"

"____," said Mark. "It's okay."

"Do you want to come with us?" asked your mom.

You let out a sigh and went to change. You return and you all got into Mark's car- your mom in the front seat and you're in the back.

When you guys arrived, the three of you walked out. Your mom walked and Mark push the car. She constantly put things into the cart as Mark continued to push the cart.

"Eomma! Why are you buying so many things!?" you cried.

She continued to ignore me.

"Yah!" you whispered to Mark. "Why did you agree to this? Pabo!"

Mark smiled. "It's okay, ____. She doesn't have a man to help her."

"And you're the man?" you joked.

"Don't worry. I dont mind doing this at all." He placed a quick kiss on your cheek and you smiled, looking into his beautiful eyes, but then your mom ruined it.

"Mark!" called my mom.

"C-Coming!" said Mark as he rushed over.

Mark followed your mom and you followed Mark. We then waited in line. When the cashier rang everything up, the total became $149.68.

"Oh no," said my mom with her bad acting that Mark fell for. "I forgot my money!"

"Eomma!" I cried.

"I'll pay!" said Mark.

"Oh but you dont have to. I could just put everything back and not-"

"N-No! It's okay! I can pay!" He quickly hands the cashier his credit card.

"Mark!" you cried. "Eomma!" They were both making you mad - your mom lying and Mark falling for it.

After that, your mom made Mark carry ALL of the bags. You offered to help, but Mark refuse your help and your mom tried to distract you with something else so you wouldn't help.

When we got home, your mom made him carry everything inside too. This time he was allowed to take multiple trips back and forth. You were suprised the first time when he was able to carry ALL those bags by himself in one trip. It looked like he was about to drop everything but he did it.

"Mark, can you put everything away?" asked your mom. "I'm so tired. I want to sleep."

"Eomma! Stop it!" you cried.

Mark agreed to it.

She placed a hand on Mark's shoulder. "Good job today."

"So does this mean...?" Mark didnt finish. Instead she nodded and Mark became happy.

Your mom walked away and you were confused.

"What was that about?" you asked. "And what is wrong with you!? Why did you listened to my mom and agreed to do whatever crazy thing she says!?"

"To do this," he smiled. He kneeled on one knee. "I know this is the that romantic, but..." He took your hand. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be the one you drag around stores and carry all the bags for you. Will you marry me?"

You were too suprised to answer. Finally, you said," you did this all for me?"

He let out a little laugh and got up. "You think I really fell for your mom's acting?"

You smiled. "I love you." You tip toed and wrapped your arms around his neck. You then pull him in for a kiss.

"So is that a yes?"


A/N: I feel like if I was to date ANY guy, my mom would use him so much XD

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