57. Hanging With ASTRO

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You were hanging out with your friends. Soon, they will be debuting as ASTRO, so you wanted to spend as much time as you can with them.

"Noona!" said SanHa as he sat plopped down next to me and wrapped his arms around mine.

"Yah Sanha!" said Rocky as he pulled Sanha away from you. "Why are you bothering noona?"

"What!?" he whined and pouted. "I wanna be with noona!"

Moon-bin walked over with his special smile and grabbed your hand. You got up as he pulled you away from the two dongsaeng arguing.

"Noona," smiled Moon-bin. "Let's just get away to those children and go out to watch a movie!"

"Moon-bin" I smiled. "I wanted to come over to spend more time with everyone."

"Are you all bothering ____?" asked Jin Jin as he walked over with Eun-woo and MJ.

"Oppa!" I smiled. I ran over and gave Jin Jin a hug, then MJ, and the Eun-woo. "MJ oppa! Guess what!?"

"What?" he smiled as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

"I listened to what you said."

"What do you mean?"

You smiled at everyone who was waiting to hear your news. "I applied for a job at Fantagio!"

"Jjinja!?" cried Jin Jjn.

"That's great!" said MJ.

"Noona, now we can see more of you!" smiled San-ha.

"You can't," said Eun-woo and everyone turned to him.

"Wae?" you asked, confused.

"I was going to tell you when you actually get in, but I might as well now. I sent a video of you singing to JYP Entertainment."

"What!?" you cried. "You did what!? O-Oppa! How could you!?"

"____, you're so talented! Why waste it!?"

"I can't!"

"Yes you can!"

"Oppa!" you yelled at him.

"____, you have to this. Prove yourself, you can do it. The whole will will be waiting for you, even if they don't know you yet."

"Listen to him," smiled Jin Jin.

"You know he's usually right," said MJ.

Someone knocked on the door and we all turned to the door. Standing there was Mark from GOT7. You couldn't believe it.

"Hyung," said Eun-woo.

Mark walked in with a huge smile. "Eun-woo, how are you?"

"I'm good," he smiled. "Mark hyung, this is my friend ____."

Mark turned to you with a smile. "Hi," he said.

"H-Hi," you smiled back. You couldn't believe Mark Tuan from GOT7 is standing in front of you.

"I heard you wanted to be a trainee under JYP."

"It was a mistake. Eun-woo oppa wasn't thinking straightly."

"Well, let's see what you got."

"What!? N-Now!?"

"It's that a problem?"

"I didn't prepare!"

"Don't worry. This is not an audition. I just want to see what girl Eun-woo would go to such length to ask for a favor."

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