Chapter 39

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Bella POV

I raced into my room and started shoving almost everything into suitcases. I wanted to get everything I could. Because let's be honest. Am I ever gonna come back here?

It really upsets me that in just a year or two my whole world can be uprooted. My mom can not care I can have a step father but basically abuses me. But I couldn't complain. I do have 2 brothers that love me. And over the time I have fallen in love. (More times than I should have) and I am happily with the boy of my dreams. I have around 11 boys that also mean the world to me. And I wouldn't trade any of them for the world.

We may not he am average family but these boys are my family and I love them all.

After an hour of packing I went into Nash's room and he was packed as well. He was just sitting on his bed. Maybe going through everything in this head. One of the biggest decisions we were about to make. But I think it will be good. For everyone

"Did you call Hayes?" I questioned wondering of he would want to move as well. I hope Hayes does come.

"Yeah he will meet us there." Nash said zipping the last of the suricate

"Meet us where?" I asked confused. What was our plan? Did we even have a plan?

"We are going to Cali baby!" He said putting a pair of shades on. I laughed as we walked out to the car. We both stopped and looked back at the house.

"A new beginning." He said and put his arm around me until we got to the car.

And off we went. A new journey begins.

Don't worry this isn't the end but it will be the start of some new drama!

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