Chapter 13

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I woke up to knocking on my door.

"Bella let's go! I don't wanna miss the flight!" Nash yelled still banging on my door.

"I'm up, I'm up chill." I said in a sleepy voice.

I sat up slowly and looked around my room and remembered what happened last night with Shawn. I smiled at the memory but quickly took the smile off my face remembering me and Matts fight.
I wonder what he did last night?

He probably found another girl. And did who knows what.

But I had no right to me mad because I kissed Shawn which was a horrible thing to do but I liked it and I don't know why.

I cleared my head of the thoughts and focussed on getting dressed.

After I got dressed I pulled my self downstairs. I saw everyone either eating or playing on there phones.

"Hi" I said walking to the fridge to get a glass of juice. I got mumbled versions of hey and hi but nobody seemed too enthusiastic to be up this early.

"Cmon let's gooo!" Cam yelled pushing everyone out the door. Everyone mumbled swears to Cam for making them get to early, he just ignored them all.

We all got into the limo. It was an extremely awkward time for me. And probably for Shawn and possibly for Matt. But I still didn't know what he did last night. Part of my was dying to know if he did anything while another part of me didn't even want to know.

"Look there's free food!" Hayes screamed pushing everyone out of his way and throwing himself at the table with the food.

We all laughed. I did my best to avoid Matt and Shawn. I sat down knowing I wasn't near either of them. I looked to my right and realized that I was sitting next to Taylor.

Oh jeez. Please don't let him say anything. It's not like we left on a bad note but we surly didn't leave on a good note. So I don't know.

"Hey" he said giving me a head nod.

"Hi" I said doing a little nod back. He went back looking at his phone. I sat there awkwardly listening to some of the boys conversations until I got a text.

Taylor- Hey can I talk to you later?

I pretended like I didn't see it, even though he knew i did see it. After like three minutes I felt bad so I replied.

Me- yeah sure.

I didn't know what it was about but I'm kinda guessing along the lines of do you still have feelings for me?

And I didn't even know the answer to that question.

It took us about 30 minutes to get to the airport. Everyone was tired and grumpy so there weren't many conversations going on.

When we finally arrived we grabbed all of our bags and headed into the air port. There were a good amount of fans waiting there to get a picture with some of the boys. I found my self a comfy bench and played on my phone until the boys were done with the fans. I checked twitter and saw a lot of the fans were making ship names for me and the guys. I saw one for me and Cameron I laughed and commented back "not to rain on your sunshine but I think it's like kinda illegal😂" I laughed at my own tweet.

I looked up and saw the boys finally finishing up. I grabbed my bags and walked over. I heard a few comments from some of the fans saying things like "you can't have them all" I just blocked them out and continued walking. We all boarded the plane.

Here we go.

So I kinda just threw in another magcon :')

But whatever


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