Chapter 37

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Bella POV

I saw matts head through the big glass window and I could feel the smile form on my lips.

He walked in with flowers in his hands.

"Are those for me?" I asked laughing because he had such a big smile on his face.

"No, they are for Hayes." He said rolling his eyes and handing me the flowers.

"Thank you" I said setting them on the small table next to my bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked while lightly pushing me over so he could sit on the bed.

"My head hurts." I said rubbing my head.

"Bella I missed you so much" he said rubbing my cheek with his hand. I looked down and smiled.
"You want me to leave so you can get some rest?"

"You know even if I said yes you wouldn't leave" I said slightly laughing.

"You know me so well" he said laying down.

I laid down as well. He put his arm around me. I turned over so our faces were inches away.

"Be mine? He whispered very softly making my stomach go crazy. I gave him a small confused look. He closed the gap between us and pressed his lips against mine. After a good minute of off and on kissing I pulled away for good.

"Yes." I said smiling. Our faces still inches away. He looked at me confused.

"I will be yours" I said putting air quotes around be yours.

"What I meant to say was will you be my girlfriend?" He asked even though he already knew the answer.

"I mean if I have too" we both laughed and he kissed me one more time. We both pulled away as the nurse walked in.

"Well glad to see your feeling better." She said laughing.

"My head still hurts" I said blushing because that was just a very awkward situation for everyone.

"Here take this" she said pouring a thick white medicine in a small cup. I blocked my nose and chugged it. Matt laughed.

"Don't laugh it blocks the taste" I said shaking my head because I could actually still taste it. He shook his head and stood up fixing his pants. All if a sudden I saw Nash sprinting through the hall passing the room then quickly coming back.

"Bella!" He yelled coming over and hugging me knocking me over. I smiled.

"Hi" I said trying to push him off of me.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here when you woke up. I have been here every second of every day. Cameron convinced me to go out even though I didn't want to I did. I'm so sorry." He was babbling. Me and Matt both look at each other and started laughing. Nash looked confused.

"Nash don't worry about it, I know you love me" I said Laughing. We hugged and that was the end of our cute sibling moment.

All of a sudden the jacks and sammy walked in. "Guess who brought Chinese food" Sammy said as they all held up big bags of food.

"I love Chinese" I shouted hugging sammy and taking the food out of his hand.

"Um I payed!" Johnson said opening his arms. I hugged him quickly and jumped on my bed. As I opened my food my stomach didn't feel good. I pushed away the feeling and started eating. The more I are the sicker I felt. All of a sudden I felt my food coming up. I jumped off the bed and pushed by everyone into the small bathroom.

"What's wrong?" Gilinsky asked. I couldn't answer because I was already throwing up into the toilet.

"Babe" Matt said jogging into the bathroom and holding my hair up.

What a great day.

Sorry it's been a while, alots happened

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