Chapter 5

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Bella POV

Nick Yanked my shoulder back causing me to fall to the ground.

"What the?" I said in shock.

"Stand up!" He yelled in my face. I quickly stood up scared to disobey him.

"I heard what you said to your mother last night!" He said getting close to my face. I didn't speak.


"Your not my father." I said looking him right in the eyes.

He them slapped me in face. Causing me to loose my balance. I winced in pain.

"It will he a lot worse if you do it again." He said as he stormed out of the house slamming the door.

I held my eye. It was throbbing like hell.

I pulled my self off of the floor and into the bathroom to clean my eye.

I looked at my self in the mirror. There was already a bruise forming around my eye. I started to cry. But quickly whipped the tears away and stopped. I washed my face and walked back downstairs.

Matt was sitting on the couch.

"Hey Bella, I brought- What the hell happened to your eye!?"

I put my hand over it. "I just walked into the wall.." I panicked. I'm not telling Matt. It will just maker things worse.

"Bella." He started.

"That's what happened." I said again.

"Oh..." He said. I couldn't tell if he believed me or not.

"Yeah,.." I said nervously laughing.

He shook his head. "I have a surprise for you!" He said smiling.

I smiled! "What is it!?" I shouted louder then I ment to. He laughed.

"Go open the front door." He said.

I quickly went to the door and whipped it open to see Nash and Hayes standing there with smirks on there faces.

"NASH HAYES!" I yelled before jumping into Nash's arms he squeezed me tight. "I missed you so much."

"I know, we missed you like crazy." He said putting me down. Then Hayes pulled me into a hug lifting my feet off the ground.

"How's my favorite twin?" He said smiling.

"Good considering I'm your only twin." I laughed.

"That's the point!" He said winking.

We finally broke the hug and I let Nash and Hayes come into the house.

"What happened to your eye?" Nash asked his fist clenching.

"I walked into a wall." I said nervously. He untensed a little and smiled. I think he bought it.

"So moms back.." Hayes said breaking a silence. I gave him a confused look. "Matt told me." He said. I nodded.

"So where is she?" Asked Nash who sounded like he didn't believe me. But I mean I wouldn't believe my brothers if they said that.

"She went out. And so did Nick." I said but when I said nicks name I faked gaged.

Matt Nash and Hayes laughed. "I really don't like him." I said.

"You barley know him." Said Matt chuckling.

I shuttered at the thought him Nick slapping me. I wanted to say well the bruise on my face sure knows him.

But I didn't say that.

Because that would cause many more problems.

"He is still a jerk." I said defensively. Matt pulled me into his side. I felt safe when I was with Matt. I liked that feeling a lot.

So nick?

And Hayes and Nash are back! :)

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