Chapter 4

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Matt POV

After a long awkward dinner we all finished. Me and Bella went to her room and nick and her mom went to their mom.

Bella shut the door behind us.

"Matt, I don't wanna be here with them." She said tears sliding town her cheeks.

I pulled her into my chest. "I know baby, but I will be with you....Always." I said holding her tight in my arms. She pulled her head up and looked at me. She then kissed me on the cheek. I kissed her forehead. Then there was a knock on the her door.

Her mom walked in.

"Shouldn't you be getting home Matt? It's late." She said.

"Matts staying the night." Bella said defensively.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Her mom says awkwardly.

"Matt is staying the night." She said raising her voice. I gave her a glare saying to calm down. She roller her eyes.

"It is not appropriate for your boyfriend to stay over night." Her mom said.

"It's also not appropriate for a mother to abandon her children." Bella shot back.

I was stunned. I can't believe she just said that. I never thought Bella would stand up for her self. I'm smiling a lot on the inside.

"Very well..." Her mom says obviously stunned. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I say knowing Bella won't say it. And with that her mom left.

Bella smiled. "You like my comeback?" She smirked.

I bursted out laughing. "You are gaining some Sass I see." I winked at her.

"It's all from you Mr.Espinosa!" She winked back.

"Let's get some sleep, I think Nash is coming home soon." I said hoping to brighten the mood.

"Really!?" Her eyes lite up. It was adorable.

"Yes now get some sleep." We both laid down in her bed. She had her back facing towards me and my arm was around. It was these moments that I loved the most.

Then I slowly fell asleep.

Bella POV

I woke up and Matt was still asleep. He was so cute.

I kissed his nose and got up. Climbing over him. Careful not to wake him.

I got in this shower. The warm water felt so good on my body. After about 20 minutes I pulled my self out and wrapped a towel around me.

Matt wasn't in my room. Where was he? I quickly got dressed and grabbed my phone and had a text from Matt.

Matt- Hey Babe, I went home to grab some clean clothes I will be back over soon😘 Love you.

I replied:

Me- okay babe! Seen you soon🙈

I walked downstairs to get breakfast. I saw Nick sitting on the couch.

"Where's my mom?" I asked him not making eye contact.

"She went out." He said.

He kept staring at me which made me feel very awkward. I got an apple from the bowl and started walking back upstairs. Until Nick Grabbed my shoulder pulling me back.

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