Chapter 19

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Bella POV

We walked down to the lobby and to our surprise there were no fans here. While Taylor called for a taxi I quickly texted Nash and told him I was going out with Taylor I'm sure he will be fine with it.

After 10 minutes a taxi pulled up and me Taylor and Dillon all climbed into the back seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked Dillon gave me some what of a laugh and Taylor just shook his head. "so you can't tell me?" I asked just as confused as I was five seconds ago.

"Patience my young one." He said said closing his eyes and making a fake humming noise. Me and Dillon laughed.

"Do you know where we are going?" I said turning my attention to Dillon.

"Yup." He said popping the P.

"So pretty much everyone knows expect me." I said laughing. They both nodded.

About 15 minutes into the drive Taylor started yelling things out of the window while Dillon recorded it. The taxi driver kept giving Taylor dirty looks but dirty looks never stopped him. We kept getting the attention of random strangers. Sometimes we would see a fan or two, you could tell because they would scream TAYLOR. I just sat back and watched the kid I could possibly be in love with act like an idiot. At random times Taylor would look down at his phone as if he got a text or something. And I'm gonna be honest I don't wanna be clingy person that stalks you but I wanted to know who he was texting. I kept telling myself it was probably just one of the guys but every time I let curiosity get the best of me I would try to look and he would quickly shut off his phone. I was probably just paranoid.

After another 20 minutes we finally arrived at our secret destination. "Now can I know?" I asked getting out of the car while Taylor paid the driver. Dillon got out last.

"Just wait!" Taylor said looking around both ways. He seemed confused.

"I swear to god if were-" he cut me off by shushing me. I took the hint. Taylor whispered something to Dillon , they both nodded and took off walking. I followed behind.

We walked until my feet wanted to fall off. I groaned as we kept walking.

"Seriously Taylor." I said out of breathe and energy. "It's getting dark." I whined trying to keep up with them. They would occasionally stop and look at each other then keep walking. It was like they could communicate with out talking.

"Fuck!" Taylor yelled whipping his bandana off of his head and onto the ground.

"What the hell!?" I asked in confusion and frustration.

"Bro chill." Dillon said picking his bandana off the ground.

"No! I always seem to fuck shit up" he said sitting down on the curb.

"No you don't." I said sitting next to him and rubbing his back. I was still so confused. Why did he all of a sudden have an outburst?

"Taylor we got lost, it's not a big deal" I said picking his chin up so he would look at me. "It's fine babe." I said kissing his cheek. His cheeks turned red and he smiled an adorable smile were you could see his braces. The smile was quickly taken off his face when he handed me his phone. I gave him a confused look.

"Look at the messages." He said looking down.

"I don't know your password." I said looking down at his phone the back up at him.

"2355" he said. I slowly typed the numbers in and smiled at what they spelt out. His pass code was my name in numbers, bell. A very big smile was on my face but I didn't tell Taylor. I found messages and clicked on it.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Look at the most recent message." He said still looking down

"Matt?!" I asked quickly clicking on the message to see what it said. My jaw dropped as I read what Matt had texted Taylor.

I never would have guessed.

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