Chapter 32

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Nash POV

I walked back to Bella's room because I really didn't know where else to go. Before going into the room I looked through the glass window at my mom sitting by Bella's bed. She had tears flowing down her face and she was stroking Bella's cheeks. At first I thought it was all an act but then remembered she didn't know I was there. I guess she really did care about us.

I slowly walked in and gave my mom a small smile. She smiled back. I quickly walked over and hugged her. Her body tensed like she wasn't expecting it but by a second she hugged me back.

"Iv missed you mom" I said going and sitting on the other side of the hospital bed.

"Iv missed you too nash" she said smiling as if this is what she has wanted. She has wanted her children's forgiveness.

"Can I talk to you about one thing?" I asked.

"Anything" she said with a smile.

"I don't like nick" I blurted out. I didn't care if it came out harsh. I hated nick.

"You will, you just gotta get to know him" she said kindly.

"He hurt Bella" I said then realizing Bella probably didn't want me telling her this and if she was awake she would probably hit me.

"What do you mean?" She asked slowly.

"He physically hurt her" Was all I could really say. I didn't want to talk about it because if it was on my mind for too long of a time I would get so mad I would trying to attack Nick and that got me no where last time.

"He hit her?" She said quickly wanting to know the answer. I nodded not being able to speak a word.

"He hurt my little Bella" her voice was so low I could barley hear her. "I will be right back" she said as she stood up wiped the tears away and left the room.

I stayed sitting on Bella's bed instead of sitting in a chair. After 20 minutes of sitting alone there was a knock on the door. I turned and saw jack and jack with big teddy bear that said "get well soon" and bunch of flowers. I motioned them to come in.

"Hi" Johnson said looking at Bella.

"How is she?" Gilinsky asked.

"Not very good" as all I said.

They set up the flowers and bear on the table next to her so when she woke up...if she woke up she would see them.

"We miss you guys" Gilinsky said hugging me, he then walked over and sat next to Bella on the bed.

"He's been messed up over this" Johnson whispered to me so gilinsky couldn't hear.

"Why?" I understand him and Bella were friends but he shouldn't be any sadder then the other guys.

"Not sure" was all Johnson said. It looked like he knew something more but didn't share. I brushed the feeling off. I was happy they came.

"Was that your mom I saw out there?" Johnson asked.

"Yeah her and Nick the Dick are here" we all laughed at stupid joke. I'm sure if Bella was here she would have laughed too.

"I'm gonna go grab something to eat" I said.

"Oh I'm coming!"johnson said.

"You coming?" He asked gilinsky.

"I think I will stay here" he said looking at us then back at Bella.

Johnson nodded and I gave him a confused look but we both left the room.

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