Chapter 16

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Bella POV

"I screwed up. I'm sorry." He says and this time sounded partially sincere. I didn't know what to say still. I just kinda looked at him. Studied him. The way his hair flipped over his bandana. The way he tries to hide his braces but I think it's so cute.

I was taken out of my little day dream about Taylor when he said "you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good. Just a little in shock and confused." I admitted.

"I'm scared I hurt Matt." I said looking at him.

"But he hurt you." Taylor said trying to make me feel better.

"But that doesn't give me a right to hurt him." I said.

"I know." Taylor said obviously realizing he couldn't really help in this situation. We were interrupted when Hayes came running over.

"Cmon let's go, the guys are waiting!" He said pushing me and Taylor to the exit. I nodded and started walking to the limo.

I quickly got in and sat in the middle of Nash and Cameron. All the other boys were having there own conversation and didn't notice me and Taylor just coming in. Nash smiled at me and put his arm around me. I looked up and kissed his cheek.

"What's that for?" He asked.

"I don't know. I'm just glad your my brother." I said smiling.

"And I'm glad your my sister." He said looking down at me. And pulled me closer into his side.

"GIVE CAMERON SOME LOVE!" Cam yelled as he put his arm around me. I kissed his cheek.

"You know we will always be here for you." Cameron said as If they could both read my mind. Hayes probably told them.

I smiled. "I know." I said softly as I snuggled into Nash's side.

No matter what happens with all these guys that I have feelings for. My 3 favorite will be my brothers and Cameron. Always.

Cute short little chapter :)

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