Chapter 35

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Bella POV

My eyes fluttered open. My head pounded and I had no idea where I was.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Bella!" Yelled Hayes. The way he yelled made my head pound.

"Shhh" I said unsure on why he was so happy to see me.

"Sorry" he laughed a little he had the biggest smile on his face. I was still confused.

"I will be right back" he said and sprinted out of the room. I mumbled an okay I looked around and just realized this isn't my room. It's a hospital room.

I jumped up.

Was Nash okay?

Then I realized I was the one in the hospital.

What happened?

Hayes POV

I raced to get the doctor.

"My sister!" I yelled in the lobby earning strange looks from people.

"What's wrong?" A nurse said picking up a clipboard.

"My sister woke up! She's awake!" I yelled running back to the room the nurse close behind.

We reached the room and the nurse asked me to wait outside. I agreed and kept trying to call Nash no answer. I rolled my eyes and paced back and forth wait for the doctor to let me back in.

After a good 20 minutes the nurse let me go back in.

"Hi bella" I said giving her a small hug.

"What happened" she said tears in her eyes. "Is everyone okay?"

"Bella everyone's fine. You slipped and fell at the last magcon. You hit your head and you were in something like a coma" I said she let out a breathe realizing everything was okay.

"Where's Nash?" She said her eyes big.

"Listen Bella." I started siting on the side of her bed.

"Nash has been here every single moment. He hasn't left the hospital in weeks. Me and cam convinced him he needed to go out and clear his mind. He didn't want to but we sorta forced him. I called Nash and there's no answer." I said then taking a deep breathe.

"Try calling him again" she said reaching for my phone out of my hand. I pulled it back.

"Iv called more than a dozen times. Give it time. He will be back"

"Has Matt been here?" She asked first.

"He has been many times, so has Taylor, the jacks and Cam." I said

Bella POV

"He has been many times, so has Taylor, the jacks and Cam." Hayes said. A big smile grew on my face.

"They care for you Bella. Just like Nash and i" he said. "Get some rest, I'm gonna call some of the Guys and tell them the good news" He messed up my hair and left.

I missed Matt a lot.

Matt POV

I woke with a migraine. I walked down stairs to the jack, jack and sammy passed out on my couch.

I laughed slightly and grabbed my phone off the counter. I clicked the home button showing a picture of me and Bella where she was kissing my cheek. I smiled at the memory then sadness took over my body. Just as I set the phone down it started to ring. It was Hayes.

"Hey buddy" I said. "How are you?"

"I'm great" he yelled through the phone.

"What's got you so happy?" I said giving a small laugh.

"Bella, she woke up today!" He said.

I screamed dropping my phone.

"What the fuck bro?" Sammy mumbled.

"Bella! "SHES AWAKE" I Screamed. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Happy tears.

I picked my phone off the floor.

"I will be at the hospital in 10" I hung up grabbed my keys.

"Bella's awake" I said under my breathe with a big smile on my face.

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