Chapter 10

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Bella POV

No no no. This can't be happening.

It's been a year. How can this even happen?

"Bella don't be rude." My mom said giving me a push towards Ryder.

"No i...I can't do this" I whispered.

I turned to run upstairs but instantly ran into Nash causing me to loose my balance and fall to the ground.

I held my head but stood up.

"Bella what's wrong?" Nash whispered to me.

"That's-Thats Ryder.." I stuttered. "The kid-Who stalked me.." I said my voice cracking.

Nash stood looking at me in disbelief. I pushed past him and ran out the front door instead.

My mind kept telling me to keep running but my feet stopped me.

I had stopped a few house away Trying to catch my breath. Man was I out of shape. I noticed a house with a moving truck outside and lots of boxes. I kinda just stood their standing.

"Uh are you okay!" This boy asked laughing at me.

I snapped out of my trance and blushed from how stupid I looked.

"Oh yeah sorry, I kinda just like ran and I'm out of breath." I said nervously laughing, their was a silence. "So your new here?" I said trying to making conversation.

"Uh yeah, that's why there is a moving truck here." He said laughing.

"Righttttt" I said again. God I sound so stupid right now.

"Well I'm Colton, Colton May ." He said rubbing his neck.

"I'm Bella, Bella Grier!" I smiling.

"Like Nash Grier sister?" He said like he was talking about someone real famous.

"Yeah, that's me" I said looking down.

"Well I'm new so maybe you could show me around sometime?" He asked.

"I uh..Don't really know you." I said stuttering and backing up thinking about Ryder and what he did to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked stepping towards me.

"Um yeah, I just-Just gotta go." I said stepping back again but tripping over my own foot and falling onto the hard pavement and scraping me knee.

"Woah, are you okay?" He asked again.

"Yeah, I gotta go." I said getting up with a bloody knee and running the opposite way from home. I heard Colton calling from a distance but I didn't bother to look back.

I refuse to get hurt again.

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