Chapter 12

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Bella POV

I woke up and stretched my arms making a weird noise. I silently laughed at my self. I stood up and started walking out of my room. But then I stopped my self. Remembering Ryder in the house and how the guys completely left me to die.

Okay maybe that is an exaggeration but they wouldn't even answer there phones!?

I took my phone off the charger and dialed Hayes number.

Hayes- What?

Me-Uh could you please come up to my room?

Hayes-I'm right downstairs why?

Me- is Ryder here?

Hayes- I don't know I haven't seen him

Me- Oh ok

I hung up the phone and walked out of my room. I peeked into the guest room and saw Ryder sitting there on his bed. He looked up and saw me. I pretended that I was just walking by. I sped walked downstairs.

"Hey Bella baby!" Nash said flipping a pancake. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I went and sat on the couch keeping my distance from everyone.

"What's your problem?" Matt asked sliding next to me and poking my cheek. I swatted his hand away.

"Why are you so mad?" Cameron asked.

"Maybe it's cuz none of you picked up your phones and you guys had no idea where I was and you didn't even care." I said crossing my arms. All the guys started laughing.

"What?" I said innocently but a little demanding.

"Nothing.." They all continued laughing.

"Tell me!" I said pushing Matt off of me.

"Well Bella. You tend to over react a little bit." Nash said eating a pancake.

"Hey bro did you make me one?" Cameron asked getting up.

"No make you own." Nash said stuffing is face.

"But I'm Cameron Dallas." Cameron said proud of his comeback.

"And I'm Nash grier. Your point?" Nash said. That shut Cameron up and everyone laughed expect me.

"What do you mean I over react?" I said standing up. Okay maybe I can overreact sometimes but last night was not a good time to teach me a lesson about over reacting.

"It's not a bad thing." Matt said kissing my cheek. I pushed him away.

"Just-just leave me alone" I said softly and walked up stairs. I opened the door to my room and saw Ryder sitting on my bed.

"Wait!" He blurted before I could go anywhere. I gave him a look like saying go on.

"I just wanna talk about what happened. That's it." He said putting his hands up in surrender.

"Well I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone especially you." I said giving a fake smile and pushing him out the door.

"Uhh!" I groaned. And then I just sat there in silence. Until I heared a knock on my door.

"What?" I asked coldly.

"It's Matt." He said turning the door handle in which I forgot to lock. Crap. He slowly walked in and sat on the end of my bed.

"Bella it's okay." He said giving a half smile to me.

"No it isn't." I said not making eye contact. "I was really scared Matt."

"But everything was okay." He said trying to argue his case but ended up getting me more mad.

"No it's wasn't Matt!" I said raising my voice a little more then I expected.

"That's a problem about you Bella. You overreact too easily!" He said. You could tell by his look he regretted saying that.

I looked him right in the eyes and said "Oh yeah. Another problem I have is picking good people to trust. And I obviously made a bad choice picking you." I said with no regret. Matt looked stunned.

"Well if you feel that way." he said looking down and walking outbid my room. Yeah. Now I feel like shit.

I heard Matt yelling at someone in the hall way but I couldn't make out who it was or what they were saying.

I quietly opened my door and peeked out and saw Matt yelled at Nash. For what?

"Every time you guys fight you don't get to go to another girl. That's not how it works Matt!" Nash yelled while blocking Matt from going downstairs.

"Watch me." Matt said pushing Nash out of his way. He ran down the stairs and slammed to door going who knows where.

I slammed my door causing the attention of the other guys.

I slowly walked over to my bed and processed what just happened. Matt is going to find another girl.

There was a knock my door. I grouned. "I'm not in the mood Nash." I said.

"It's Shawn." Shawn said with the sweetest voice. I quickly got off my bed and opened the door.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah but matts going to find another Girl." I said looking up at him.

"Matts loss." Shawn said shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah I guess." I smiled.

"Iv been meaning to tell you something." He said. I could hear a sense of nervousness in his voice.

"What is it?" I asked clueless as always.

And next thing I new.

Shawn's lips were pressed against mine.

And I kissed back.


Plot twisttt✌️

I was trying to wait to update a little longer but I couldn't wait to share this chapter :)

Hope you guys liked it!

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