Chapter 18

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Bella POV

Nash and Cam pushed me past her while they started yelling at Matt and the girl. I grabbed my towel and left the pool quickly.

"Wait!" Taylor said running towards me.

"Yeah?" I asked my eyes watering. I didn't make eye contact.

"Come here" he said pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I gave him a little smile. He let go and put his arm around me. "Let's go" we walked up to my room. He came in and sat on a bed. I went to my suitcase and picked out sweat pants and a shirt.

I went into the bathroom and changed and put cold water on my face to make my eyes less puffy. It somewhat worked. I came out and Taylor got up.

"Wanna come to my room to get my clothes with me?" He said giving me his little puppy dog eyes.

"Sure" I said grabbing my phone off the table.

"Opps." He said looking how his swimsuit got the bed all wet. "I'm sorry" he said slightly laughing.

"That's not my bed." I laughed. "That's jack and jacks!" I said laughing how there was just a random wet spot.

"Well let's get outta here before they know it's us." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me to his room. He shares a room with Aaron Dillon and Sammy but as of right now nobody was there. he grabbed clothes and went into the bathroom.

Dillon walked in. "Hey I saw what happened. Are you okay?" He said. He seemed nice.

"Yeah. Thanks." I smiled.

"I don't think we have formally met. I'm Dillon Rupp. People call me D-Rupp." He said making him self sound cool. Taylor walked out of the bathroom.

"Nobody calls you that." He said throwing his wet bathing suit at him.

"It's catching on." He said laughing.

"Well I'm Bella Grier." I smiled.

"Nice to formally meet you." He gave a big smile. Sammy and Aaron walked in laughing. They both stopped laughing and gave me a sincere look and then awkwardly went to do something else. I felt weird and Taylor sensed it.

"Wanna go do something?" He said randomly. Well he was very forward but I liked it.

"When?" I asked.

"Right now." He said getting up and picking a bandana to put on.

"Sure." I smiled.

"CAN I COME!?" Dillon yelled sprinting out of the bathroom.

Taylor looked at me. "Sure" I said laughing. It was cute how close they were. Dillon cheered and did a little dance. We said bye to Aaron and Sammy and walked to my room.

"I just gotta change." I smiled sliding the key card in the room and opening the door.

"You just changed?" He asked confused.

"Yeah in sweatpants I need to out real clothes on." I said walking in my room and still no one was here.

"I would rather you with no clothes." He said smirking.

"I bet you would." I said laughing. I grabbed jean shorts and went into the bathroom quickly changed and came out. As I was coming out Cameron and Jack J came in.

"Hey why is my bed all wet!?" Jack j said throwing his hands up.

I laughed silently while Taylor looked around not making eye contact. "I think it was Jack g" he said quickly. "Well we gotta go!" He said pulling me and Dillon out the door.

Oh Taylor

So I went to sunsation tour and it was the best night if my life.

Like it breaks my heart I won't ever see them again. The show was amazing but it was really unorganized but it was still amazing.

And I was so stupid and Dillon went to kiss me on the cheek and I moved so the picture he was just resting his head on my shoulder. I was so mad.....But we had a really long hug and it was amazing.

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