Chapter 3

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Bella POV

As soon as I saw my mom standing there I knew she wanted back into my life and I couldn't let that happen.

I let Matt into my room. He's all I have. I need him with me.

"It's okay it's gonna be okay" he says breaking the silence. I didn't reply. I just sat their frozen.

"I love you Bella." He says kissing my forehead.

"I love you Matt." I said trying to hold back tears. "It's just she left me. And now she thinks she can just come back? She can't." I vented.

"I know baby." Matt says.

There was a knock on my bedroom door. I jumped causing Matt to tighten his grip on me. "Shh I got you. Come in" he shouted to the person on the other side of the door.

My mom walked in.

"Hi sweetie." She said smiling.

"Hi" I said blandly.

"I made dinner. I was thinking we could catch up." She says still smiling. "Matt would you like to stay for dinner?"

"Uh yeah sure thank you!" He said trying to be nice. Unlike me.

"You guys can come down in a few." She smiled again and shut the door.

"I'm not going down there." I stated not making eye contact with Matt.

"I know you don't want to but just try to get along with her." He said kissing him cheek. I blushed.

He drove me crazy.

He grabbed my hand and lead my downstairs. I didn't argue.

"Hey guys!" My mom said. I think she was surprised we actually came down.

We all sat along the table. I set next to Matt of course. My hands were shaking. And there was an awkward silence untill my mom said "so how long have you guys been dating?"

"Almost 6 months." I say

"That's nice." She says not making eye contact with me. There was another very long awkward silence untill make spoke up.

"So your names Nick right?" He asked referring to my so called step dad.

"Yup." He said causally and went back to eating.

This is gonna be one long night.

Another chapterrrr(:

If you have any suggestions on what should happen direct message meee!

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