Chapter 14

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Bella POV

I sat next to Jack g and Cameron on the plane. I didn't really have a choice were I sat. I kinda just sat were I was told.

"Hey babe." Jack g said ruffling my hair. I laughed.

"Hello!" I said with a big smile.

"And you favorite Cam doesn't get a hello?" Cam said making a fake pouting face. I just laughed. The plane was about to to take off so I put my head phones on and quickly drifted asleep to music.

Matt POV

I really wish I could sit with Bella during this plane ride. I wanna tell her how I'm sorry and I was the one over reacting. I want to tell her how I didn't do anything. I just drove around to clear my mind.

I ended up sitting next to Nash and Shawn. I'm cool with that. They are both cool.

Me and Nash talked about some acting class's we have been wanting to take. Shawn was really quite. Maybe it was just because he couldn't relate to what we were talking about.

Nash finally fell asleep. Then about 10 minutes after Shawn fell asleep. I just sat there. Their was no way I could sleep. I had the whole situation with Bella on my mind. Shawn started to talk in his sleep.

I felt bad listening to what he was saying but I mean he would never know and it's not hurting anyone.

I started to not really listen anymore because all I heard were mumbles. But then I heard something that made me listen closer.

I heard Bella's name.

I listened closer then I had before. But I still couldn't make anything out until I heard him Say "I'm sorry I kissed you" I froze.

He and Bella kissed? Maybe it was just in his dream, they couldn't have kissed for real.

I continued to listen.

But then I heard him say

"Please don't tell Matt." And I knew it was for real.

I don't even know what to say.

This chapter was a little short because I'm on vacation but whatever

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