Chapter 21

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Bella POV

He opened the door. I thought about running but thought that wouldn't solve anything. We didn't say anything at first. I just looked down and he looked right at me. Maybe for a whole minute until Cameron came over breaking the silence.

"Hey Bella." He said knowing how awkward the tension was.

"I just came to talk to you." I said talking to Cameron.

"What's up?" He said clearly not aware it was about Matt.

"It's fine I will come back later." I said turning around but Matt grabbed my shoulder turning me around.

"Wait." He said. I looked at him straight in the eye. His eyes were bloodshot.

"Yeah?" I said quietly. Cameron had left now realizing we wanted to be alone.

"It's over?" He asked. I shuttered looking at him. His once big smile was gone. His hair was no longer perfect it was a mess. His eyes were so red it looks like he was on drugs. Tears formed into my eyes. I did this to him. I caused all this pain.

"I guess it is." I said Tears now flowing down my face.

"But why?" He said, he was crying now. And when I say crying I mean full fledge crying. I couldn't take looking at him like this. Looking at the kid I once loved. Hell I'm pretty sure I still love him. But he hurt me too much.

"Matt you may not know it but you hurt me. I trusted you with so much. I gave you my love but you just threw it away and went for another girl." I said now I couldn't hold back crying I was hyperventilating. And Matt was on the verge of hyperventilating as well.

"You did the same with Taylor." He said. And then I realized I was the one causing these problems. If it wasn't for me Matt would be smiling away enjoying his time touring. Him and Taylor wouldn't be fighting and they would be best friends like old times.

"It's all my fault" I whispered.

"Bella I didn't say that." He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I am so sorry Matt" I said my hands shaking.

"Bella" he said trying to stop me but I ignored him and kept going.

"If it wasn't for me Matt you would be happy." I said shaking not being able to make eye contact with him.

"Bella stop!" His voice got louder but he wasn't yelling. I still didn't stop.

"You and Taylor would still be friends. It's me. I screwed this all up."

"BELLA STOP!" He screamed my head shot up.

"Bella, maybe you did screw up a lot and maybe you did break up a friendship. And maybe I'm not as happy." He said. I was lost. Was this supposed to be comforting?

"But the time I spent loving you. Was my time well spent." He said lifting my chin and looking me right in the eyes.

So who do you guys ship Bella with now?

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